Chapter 36

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    Jason received his letter and it confused him. It was asking whether he wanted to stay the heir or give the crown to Ace. It confused him because he knew he did t want the crown.
   Congo's letter was about having him visit Ms. Jee and try to negotiate her release. Of course, he ignored it. The twins letters from Viara were all complaints and angry comments about how her life has ended up and wanting them to help her out. They also ignored the requests.
    The next two months were mediocre. Nothing really happened. Axel zoomed out of his hammock excitedly with a bag. Normally he'd stop to give Yimo and Quin a morning call but this time, he almost forgot about it. He quickly stopped.
"Up and at em!" Axel screamed. Yimo groaned and woke up. He sat up slowly. Quin grunted.
"Love you guys! Bye!" Axel yelled them bolted. Quin sat up slowly and looked at Yimo.
"Where's he off too?" Quin asked.
"Todays the new month. He's off to get an engagement ring." Yimo explained.
"Oh right." Quin muttered and laid back down. Yimo looked at Quin and smiled.
"Todays our day off hun. Meaning..." Yimo mumbled softly, leaning over Quin. Quin looked at Yimo and smiled.
"Meaning, we get to go try and buy that small home in the village today." Yimo said. Quin nodded and leaned up. He kissed Yimo's cheek.
"It's good now that we have enough money to actually get one." Quin said. Yimo smiled and leaned down to Quin.
"Then if we get our own home, I can finally make love to you." Yimo whispered. Quin's eyes widened and blushed. He sat up.
"What?!" Quin whispered yelled. Yimo pouted.
"What? We literally haven't made love for like 12 years Quin. Don't you think that's a lot?" Yimo mumbled. Quin frowned and did think about it. Quin sat up and hugged Yimo.
"Then let's go get a home. And if that doesn't work, then let's just rent a hall room." Quin whispered. Yimo blushed and smiled.
    Axel rushed to the village and into Gene's jewel shop. Noah was showing Milo some new items while Sebastian and Gene were in the back room looking for older items. Axel ran in and tripped in the doorway.
"Wah!" Axel meowed then fell on his face. Noah and Milo turned and saw Axel. Axel quickly stood up and then saw Milo. Noah snickered.
"Hey Axel, look. It's the one slut in town that you didn't fuck." Noah joked, pointing at Milo. Milo and Axel looked at Noah. Milo looked down awkwardly. Noah's jaw dropped.
"Really Milo?! You gave into his dirty tricks?!" Noah complained. Axel walked over to the shelf.
"Noah, I need a ring." Axel said. Noah walked over to Axel.
"A ring? You don't even wear them-" Noah said. Axel gulped.
"An engagement ring." Axel said. Noah blinked weirdly.
"Hah?!" Noah winced. Milo was shocked too. Axel frowned.
"Come on. I need an engagement ring fit for a prince. Black or white please." Axel said. Noah looked at his face.
"Alright." Noah said. He went down and grabbed three sliders with three different ring choices. One slider had black Diamond engagement rings, one had White emerald engagement rings, and the other had a mixture of white and black engagement rings with different rocks. Axel looked at them nervously. He didn't know what to pick.
"I—" Axel froze. Noah looked at Axel extremely confused. Axel trembled. He didn't know anything about these so he was confused as well.
"I- I don't know how to pick." Axel mumbled. Noah blinked.
"A ring is supposed to match a lover's personality and favorite setting. Does that help?" Noah asked. Axel thought about it. He knew a lot about Kenji even though seeing as Kenji hardly talks about himself. Axel took advantage of Kenji's pleads when he fucked him. Kenji would answer any questions that Axel asked if Axel was making love to him. Axel glanced at the rings and thought about Kenji. He lifted a ring up from the white rings. Kenji wore black as a sign of royalty. But his favorite color is white. Not a color at all seeing as though white represents nothing and like Kenji had told Axel before, he would rather be no representative then being all of them. Also saying, attention would not be on him. He smiled.
"How much of a loan do I have to pay you guys?" Axel asked. Noah took the ring from Axel and put it on a scale. He took it off and gave it back to Axel.
"5 zenos." Noah said. Axel squeezed his eyes shut and lifted his bag to the counter. He counted his coins, unsure. He luckily had two payments. 10 zenos. He was happy. He could pay off the ring by next year.
"It's yours." Noah said. Gene and Sebastian came back up front.
"Thank you." Axel said then left. Sebastian saw Milo standing there.
"Hey baby, when'd you get here?" Sebastian asked, jumping over the counter.
"Oh I just got here. I wanted to go on a walk with you." Milo said walking up to Sebastian. Sebastian turned to Gene.
"It's your paycheck." Gene said. Sebastian looked at Milo and smiled.
"Fuck it." Sebastian whispered. Milo chuckled and they left. They walked towards the trail to the kingdom.
"So, how's your day been?" Milo asked.
"Boring. I've just been working. How bout' you?" Sebastian asked. Milo smiled.
"I've actually been doing a lot of thinking..." Milo started. Sebastian glanced at Milo.
"You and "thinking" normally means you are gonna fuck someone's life up." Sebastian chuckled. Milo gulped then stopped walking. Sebastian stopped and looked at Milo.
"I want to get our own home." Milo said. Sebastian's eyes widened.
"Really?" Sebastian asked. Milo looked up at Sebastian.
"Well... y-you are 19 already and I thought— why don't we just get our own home. We can live together like.. like a family sort of..." Milo explained awkwardly. Sebastian smiled and grabbed Milo's hands. He pulled Milo close.
"If that means that we can spend our lives together, then yes please. I love that idea and I'd love to get a home with you." Sebastian said. Milo blushed and hugged Sebastian.
"Thank you!" Milo said excitedly. Sebastian hugged back and kissed Milo's head.
"I love you Milo." Sebastian said. Milo smiled.
"I love you too." Milo said. Sebastian smiled and kissed Milo. Milo kissed back.
    Axel walked back to the castle. His parents were getting ready so he waited. Callum was walking by when he saw Axel. He smiled and walked up behind him. He quickly hugged him from behind.
"AXEL! My very good friend!" Callum called out. Axel groaned.
"What do you want?" Axel asked. Callum pulled away and Axel turned around to face him.
"Well- apples- and also, I want you to be my best man." Callum said. Axel smiled.
"Oi, give me a hug again before I start crying." Axel scoffed. Callum chuckled and hugged Axel.
"Of course I'll be your best man." Axel said.
"That's good." Callum said, pulling away.
"But really- I need apples." Callum said. Axel rolled his eyes.
"Go to the kitchen and it's in the top shelf where the bowls are. That's where the apple bowl is." Axel explained.
"Thanks Ax! You are the best! And good luck getting that house." Callum called out as he rushed to the kitchen. Axel smiled then saw his father walk over to him. Quin rushed over to him actually.
"Oh oh! Lemme see the ring you got for Kenji." Quin pleaded. Axel chuckled and held the ring in his hand.
"Aww. It's beautiful." Quin said. Yimo peered at it.
"Mm, my ring is better." Yimo said, holding his hand with his wedding ring on it.
"Haha, I still can't believe papa had to ask you to marry him." Axel said.
"Aww don't be mean Axel. Your dad is just shy." Quin said, patting the top of Yimo's head. Yimo grew embarrassed.
"Alright! Let's go buy this house!" Axel cheered on them followed his fathers out.
    They walked up to the house that they were gonna try to buy. Quin's friend, a guard, said that he should try to buy his house since he was gonna move over to the border patrol. So Quin took up his offer. They were gonna meet a lady who works with a home market company. The family walked over to the house and saw the lady. The lady saw Quin and smiled.
"Ah! You must be Quin Guenato." The lady said.
"Ah yes! That's me." Quin cheered.
"Nice to meet you Quin. My name is Clarr. Are you looking to buy this house for yourself? Or for a family?" Clarr asked.
"Ah, a family. Me, my lover, and my son." Quin said.
"Oh! Where's your wife then?" Clarr asked. Quin itched his chin.
"Haha— Uhm, I have a husband. He's right here, along with my son." Quin said, pointing to Yimo and Axel. Yimo held his hand out.
"Nice to meet you Clarr. I am Yimo Guenato, Quin's husband." Yimo said. Clarr had her mouth open as if she were shocked.
"O-oh!" Clarr muttered. Quin tilted his head.
"What's wrong Miss Clarr?" Quin asked. Clarr smiled and made a cheery face.
"Oh nothing. But I'm sorry. I can't sell this adoring home to a couple of fags like you. Sorry." Clarr said nicely and started to walked away. Quin and Yimo froze. Axel grew furious.
"OI! YOU BITCH! GET BACK HERE!" Axel screamed. Clarr waved goodbye as if she were being friendly. Axel scoffed and turned to his fathers.
"That bitch has it coming. She's wrong. Don't l-" Axel started then saw Quin have tears in his eyes. Yimo was holding back his tears actually. Axel was shocked. Quin turned to Yimo and hugged him. Yimo set his head on Quin's head and let a tear slip out. Axel grew even more furious.
"Ima kill her." Axel muttered then turned to go after her.
"Axel." Yimo said. Axel stopped and looked down.
"I hate that she fucking treated you two like that. I wish I could just bash her head i-" Axel ranted.
"Axel." Yimo said again. Axel trembled and turned to Yimo.
"People can't treat you like that." Axel demanded. Yimo sighed.
"Just leave it. We can't make people like the opinions we like." Yimo said. Quin hugged Yimo tighter.
"I wanna go." Quin mumbled. Yimo nodded.
"Let's take your father back to the castle." Yimo said. Axel frowned and did just that. At the castle, Yimo tried to comfort Quin as best he could. Axel was frustrated. Skipp and Tyler had brought water for them.
"What happened?" Tyler asked when he saw Quin crying.
"We didn't get the house." Yimo mumbled. Axel scoffed.
"The lady didn't even give them a fucking chance! She just said that she couldn't sell the house to a couple of fags! Like what the fuck?!" Axel screamed, kicking the wall. Skipp and Tyler frowned. Tyler scoffed.
"Then we should tell Arthur." Tyler said.
"What for? Tell him we are upset because we didn't like her opinion?" Yimo asked. Tyler went to speak then frowned. Skipp thought for a moment.
"Well, can't we say that she refused to sell because of their sexuality? I swear Arthur made a rule against discrimination." Skipp asked. Tyler smiled. Yimo grew nervous. Axel walked over to Skipp.
"Really?" Axel asked.
"Mhm." Skipp nodded.
"Then let's go." Axel demanded, lifting Skipp over his shoulder. He was angry so Skipp didn't stop him. Tyler sat down next to Quin and offered him water. Arthur and Jay were in the office. Ryder and Caroo were too. Arthur was trying to get Hunter to balance a book on his head. Jay was sleeping with his head on the desk. Ryder was in Arthur's seat finishing his work. Caroo was just looking through finished work. Axel rushed into the room with Skipp still over his shoulders. Everyone in the room looked at Axel. Axel set Skipp down next to him.
"King Arthur, I have a big complaint." Axel called out. Jay woke up and looked at Axel and Skipp. Arthur was shocked. Hunter lost his balance and the book fell on the ground. Hunter groaned and picked the book back up.
"What is it Axel?" Arthur asked.
"My parents went to go buy a house today in the kingdom." Axel said. Arthur rose an eyebrow.
"Yeah- did they get the house? They were very excited." Arthur asked.
"That's the thing. They didn't. The lady that was gonna sell the house to them said she wouldn't sell the house to them because they were a couple of fags!" Axel screamed. Everyone in the room was shocked. They could tell that Axel was angry.
"And Skipp said that they had been discriminated which is illegal according to your rule." Axel complained. Everyone looked at Arthur. Arthur frowned.
"I can arrest the lady for 24 hours but it doesn't mean I can get the house for them. But that was very wrong. Are your fathers alright?" Arthur asked.
"No. That bitch didn't give them a chance. Right as she heard that my fathers were married, she just smiled and said she won't sell that house to us! They were so excited and all just to get this reaction." Axel complained then he walked out very upset. Caroo frowned and stood up.
"Skipp, take me to Quin and Yimo." Caroo said. Skipp nodded and left with Caroo. Ryder frowned.
   Axel walked down to the barracks and to his fathers. Quin and Yimo saw Axel walk down.
"Axel-" Yimo started.
"Nu uh. We are gonna get that damn house. And you are gon-" Axel started ranting. Yimo stood up and grabbed Axel's wrist.
"Tyler is gonna take our money and buy the house for us." Yimo said. Axel looked at Yimo then glanced at Tyler. Tyler was sitting next to Quin.
"Really?" Axel asked. Tyler nodded. Axel smiled. Caroo and Skipp walked over to them. Caroo looked at Quin and Yimo and started speaking to them. A little while after, Quin glanced at Axel.
"Axel baby, aren't you supposed to be packing? Aren't we taking you up to the vampire realm tomorrow?" Quin asked. Axel's eyes widened and smiled.
"Shit, I do!" Axel chuckled then rushed to his barrack. Skipp followed. Axel started packing immediately. Skipp sat on the ground next to Axel's hammock.
"How long will you be gone?" Skipp asked.
"Mm— a week and a half." Axel said. Skipp looked down.
"What if I-" Skipp started.
"When was the last time you spoke to Hunter?" Axel asked, picking out his favorite sweaters.
"Today?" Skipp muttered.
"I mean full conversations that you guys used to have." Axel said. Skipp froze and slowly looked down at the ground.
"5 months?" Skipp mumbled nervously.
"It's Hunter's birthday in a few days. What are you giving him?" Axel asked. Skipp crossed his legs.
"I don't know..." Skipp mumbled.
"You better give him something good." Axel said.
"Yeah..." Skipp mumbled.  Axel chuckled and stood up.
"And it's my lover's birthday soon. His present is me." Axel chuckled. Skipp got the most enlightened birthday gift idea.
   The next day, Callum and Skipp both said goodbye to Axel and then he left with his fathers to the vampire realm.

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