Chapter 67

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Foreign Affairs...
<Parker's Story> Pt 2

Grey and Eowyn had gotten the letter from Parker about him getting hurt and staying in a cabin with some vampires. Kenji was also confused. He and August, and Gillian had gotten the spare room ready for Parker but he hadn't arrived. That was, until Kenji got a letter from Grey. Grey had written to him about what happened to Parker. And so Grey and Kenji were gonna write to the location of the carbon that Parker was at. The letters had arrived a couple hours before the storm... luckily, Kahla came to the cabin with the letters. She walked in. It was merely lunch. Cam looked at Kahla.
"Heyy, I just need some food for the storm. Also, I picked up your mail. It looks like you got two letters Parker." Kahla said. Cam looked at Kahla curiously.
"Go get the meat then." Cam said, walking over to Kahla. He took the letters and took them to Parker. Kahla left for the shack outside. Parker looked at the letters.
"Who are they from?" Cam asked.
"My brothers." Parker said, opening Kenji's letter.

Dearest Parker...
I hate you. I really really hate you. But now, I hate Eliosa even more. Grey told me everything that happened so me and Prince Callum's family prepared a room for you for when you arrive. But since you are hurt, Grey said he had a plan and would write to you. I just wanted to write to you to let you know that I'm on your side. You are a dick but you shouldn't have to die.
      Sincerely; your brother.

Parker scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Can I-" Cam smeared. Parker handed the letter to Cam. Cam took it and read it. Parker opened the letter from Grey...

Dear Parker,
I have told Kenji about everything that happened. A large two/four day storm is about to hit so you are stuck where you are. But right afterwards, I'm gonna send a small armada out to get you and take you to Kenji and Callum's home. See you soon.
Sincerely; your brother.

Parker stared at the letter and then looked away. He closed his eyes and faced down. His hair fell in front of his face. Cam looked at Parker and set down the first letter on a table next to the sofa.
"What is it?" Cam asked. Parker shrugged.
"Nothing." Parker said. Cam watched Parker's eyes dim. He frowned and took the letter from Parker. Parker flinched. Cam read the letter and then looked at Parker confusedly.
"And the reason you are upset is?-" Cam questioned. Parker glanced at Cam.
"I've never been treated like a normal person. Only ever as royalty. It just feels nice to be cared for." Parker said. Cam smiled and touched Parker's shoulder.
"Don't be upset." Cam said. Parker's eyes began to become vibrant again.

That evening, the storm hit. Parker was half asleep on the sofa as he listened to Cam read a book to Joseph so Joseph would go to sleep without being scared from the lightning. After Joseph fell asleep, Cam stopped reading and left the room. He shut the door quietly and set the book down on the dining table. He looked over at Parker.
"Parker, are you asleep?" Cam asked. Parker lifted his arm up a bit.
"Eh..?" Parker mumbled. Cam chuckled and grabbed his own book. He walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Parker. He opened his book and read it. Parker opened his eyes slightly and looked at Cam.
"Whatcha reading?" Parker asked. Cam looked at Parker then scooted closer to him.
"A fantasy book. It's called A Love Story for All of Us." Cam said. Parker dazed at the book then his eyes closed.
"Can you read it?" Parker asked. Cam looked at Parker curiously.
"If you answer one question." Cam said.
"Ok." Parker mumbled.
"What were all the marks on your body? When I help you change, I always notice a lot of marks all over your lower body." Cam questioned. Parker's head grew heavy.
"Uh, Eliosa would let the guards rape me in the mornings to motivate me. I'd be tied up to the bed and I wouldn't be able to do anything." Parker explained, holding out his hands to show rope burns around his wrists. Cam froze, feeling horrible about how Parker could speak so casually about it. Parker's hands fell and his head fell on Cam's shoulder. Cam looked at Parker and then opened the book. He began to read for Parker.

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