Chapter 51

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    A week later, Hunter was still asleep, again, on his desk. His head was squished on a book and his hair was a mess. He was supposed to wake up on his own but he still struggled to do that. Skipp knocked on the door and then opened the door. He walked in and shut the door. He looked at the bed and noticed it was empty. He glanced over at the desk and saw Hunter. He sighed and walked over to the desk.
"Hunter." Skipp said, touching Hunter's hand. Hunter woke up instantly. He gasped and sat up quickly. But to quickly that his chair fell back with Hunter going with it. He sat up quickly. Skipp smiled and crossed his arms.
"Shit! What time is it?!" Hunter asked, scrambling to his feet.
"It's late o'clock. You woke up late again." Skipp said.
"Damnit!" Hunter cried, rushing to his closet. Skipp looked at the door then looked at Hunter. He walked over to him and touched his arm. Hunter flinched and looked at Skipp. He blushed. Skipp pulled Hunter into a kiss. Hunter blushed and kissed back. He leaned Skipp on the nearest wall and kissed more. Skipp kissed back as much as he could. Then Hunter pulled away.
"I love you Skipp. But now we are definitely in trouble." Hunter said. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"I don't care." Skipp said, pulled Hunter into another kiss. Hunter blushed more then pulled away.
"Skipp, are you hard?" Hunter asked.
"No." Skipp said, pulling Hunter into another kiss. Hunter was confused but kissed back. He pressed against Skipp and kissed him more. Skipp kissed back more as well. Then the guard knocked on the door.
"Hurry up!" The guard called out. Skipp muttered after he pulled away. He pushed Hunter away.
"Brush your hair." Skipp said as he picked out Hunter's clothes. Hunter looked at Skipp confusedly. Skipp gave Hunter his clothes.
"Your fathers are in the ball room." Skipp said, leaving the room. Hunter frowned.
   A little bit later, he rushed downstairs to his fathers. He saw his fathers in the dining room. When he got closer, Arthur saw him. He turned to Hunter.
"Hunter, you and Skipp were kissing." Arthur said.
"Yeah- we were- and Skipp was the one who initiated it." Hunter said walking up to his fathers. Jay and Arthur looked at Hunter shocked.
"Huh? He started?" Arthur questioned.
"Yeah-" Hunter muttered.
"Wow, he very starts it." Jay said.
"Yeah- he seemed upset. The tone in his voice was different." Hunter mumbled. Jay and Arthur looked at each other then to Hunter.
"Yeah- he was probably jealous." Jay said awkwardly.
"Jealous?" Hunter questioned. Jay and Arthur pointed to the ball room. Hunter squinted at Arthur and Jay then walked over to the ball room. When he entered the room, he saw a girl looking at everything on the walls. Then he saw two men and a woman standing at the door. Arthur and Jay walked in.
"Who are they?" Hunter asked.
"Guests, who've come to take your hand." Jay whispered.
"Wa?!" Hunter screamed.
"Hello!" Arthur called out. The four guests looked over at Arthur, Jay, and Hunter. They all walked over to them.
"Hello my kings!" The older man said.
"Hello." Jay said.
"Introduce yourselves please." Arthur said.
"Ah yes. I am Sir Henry Lewiston. Duke of House Lewiston." The older man said nicely. The woman bowed her head.
"Hello your majesties. I am Madamè Feyo Leva, Lady of House Lewiston." The woman said. The younger lady ran up to the family.
"Heyo!! I am Tera Lewiston! Daughter of the Household Lewiston!" The young girl screamed.
"And I am Keha Leva, son of the Household Lewiston." The young man said. Arthur and Jay looked at each other.
"We hear from our guards that you are here to ask for my sons hand in marriage." Arthur said.
"We are. We are willing to give our son and daughter. We don't know what kind of person your son likes." Feyo said, putting her hands on Keha and Tera's shoulders.
"I see. This is our youngest son Hunter." Jay said awkwardly.
"Well, how long are you staying?" Arthur asked.
"We are to ask you that my kings. We came from far away, expecting your sons hand in marriage." Henry said.
"Well, I'm sure you can stay for a few days." Arthur said nervously. Keha and Tera quickly grabbed Hunter's arms.
"So who will you pick of us?" Keha asked, touching Hunter's ass. Hunter flinched.
"Maybe me my prince." Tera said, making Hunter touch her ass. Hunter gagged and slithered away from both of them.
"Hell no." Hunter said, pointing at Keha.
"And fuck no!" Hunter cried, pointing at Tera. Tera and Keha looked at Hunter weirdly. Hunter rushed off. Skipp was preparing breakfast when he heard Hunter yell fuck no. He also saw Hunter rush into the dining room. Hunter looked over at Skipp and shivered.
"Skipp, I need a bath. And a knife to cut my hand off." Hunter complained, walking up the stairs. Skipp quickly glared at the door Hunter walked out of. He was holding a plate and was furious. Arthur and Jay started into the dining room to have the family of four sit at the table but then they saw Skipp. Skipp squeezed the plate tightly that it shattered in Skipp's hand.
"Oh shi-" Jay said. Arthur quickly pulled Jay back into the ball room. Skipp threw the plate on the table and walked upstairs. He walked to Hunter's room. Hunter felt gross and dirty. Skipp walked in.
"Did they touch you?" Skipp asked, wiping off the blood on his hands with a rag he grabbed.
"Yeah, on the fucking ass. I feel dirty." Hunter shivered. Skipp flinched and looked at Hunter. Hunter saw Skipp's unpleased face and smiled.
"Are you jealous?" Hunter asked, walking over to the door.
"How can I not be?! It's damn annoying." Skipp complained, turning the water on for the bathtub. Hunter smiled and opened the door.
"Here." Hunter said, giving the guards some Zenos bills.
"Stay quiet and don't let anyone in." Hunter said, shutting the door and locking it. Skipp turned around.
"Bathe me please!" Hunter pleaded, walking up to Skipp. Skipp rose an eyebrow.
"You aren't a baby. You can bathe yourself." Hunter said.
"Aww come on. Someone touched me in places. I need your touch now." Hunter said pleadingly. Skipp rolled his eyes.
"Aw, come on, i just want to be touched by my future husband!" Hunter pleaded. Skipp walked over to the door.
"Then ask for your "future husband" to touch you." Skipp said, feeling a jealous rage. Hunter frowned.
"Skipp." Hunter said. Skipp stopped right as he was about to open the door. He looked over at Hunter.
"Don't be jealous. I love you and there's no way I'll ever marry someone else. And I've made it clear to my dads that I would be marrying you." Hunter explained. Skipp rubbed his head and walked over to Hunter.
"The guards-" Skipp started.
"Already kept quiet." Hunter said. Skipp touched Hunter's cheek.
"Ok. Get in the tub then." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and lifted his arms up. Skipp glared at Hunter.
"Literally a baby." Skipp said, lifting Hunter's shirt off.
"Your big baby?" Hunter questioned. Skipp went down to Hunter's belt.
"Soon." Skipp said, pulling Hunter's belt to him, making Hunter get closer to him. Hunter blushed and nodded excitedly. Skipp kissed Hunter. Hunter kissed back then Skipp pulled away.
"I'm just gonna wash your back for you." Skipp said. Hunter smiled and kissed Skipp's cheek.
"That's good enough." Hunter said. Skipp smiled.
"By the way we are in trouble." Hunter chuckled.
"Yeah, my fault. I get upset when I'm jealous ok. I start to feel possessive." Skipp said, taking Hunter's belt off. Hunter snickered.
"I love that about you. Makes me feel like I belong in your heart." Hunter said. Skipp looked at Hunter.
"That's the worst part to love about me Hunter." Skipp said, pulling down Hunter's pants. Hunter blushed.
"Well, I love every part of you, all your personalities, all your ideas. Everything about you." Hunter said. Skipp looked at Hunter's face and rose an eyebrow. He glanced down at Hunter's underwear. Hunter had a cock showing. A hard boner cock. Skipp glanced back up at Hunter's face.
"You are loving me a little hard Hunter." Skipp said. Hunter flinched and quickly looked down. He realized he had a boner. He quickly hid it with his hands and looked back up at Skipp.
"I love you lots and you are attractive ok." Hunter muttered. Skipp chuckled and turned around.
"The bubbles are in the tub. Get in the bath dummy." Skipp said. Hunter smiled.

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