Chapter 12

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Ace and Taylor's Story Pt 2...

The next morning, Ace woke up to fire cracklings. He opened his eyes slowly to adjust to the light and sat up. His cape and Taylor's green jacket were on him, keeping him warm. He looked up and saw a fire blazing. He blinked a couple times as he looked around for Taylor.
"Taylor?" Ace mumbled.
"Yes." Taylor said. Ace turned around and saw Taylor leaning on a tree still carving.
"Morning..." Ace mumbled. Taylor looked up and stared at Ace.
"Good morning." Taylor said. Ace stood up and yawned. He picked his cape off the ground then Taylor's coat. He set the coat down next to Taylor. Taylor looked at the coat.
"Sorry. It was freezing last night since it's the end of summer. I thought you looked blue." Taylor said. Ace smiled.
"Thank you." Ace said. Taylor looked at Ace with a smile.
"Are you ready to walk again?" Taylor asked. Ace nodded, putting his cape on. Taylor stood up and picked up his coat. He put the coat on and stuck his knife in his boot. He grabbed a a couple handfuls of water and poured it over the fire. When it was burned out, he grabbed his chunk of wood and started walking. Ace followed.
After awhile, Ace stopped walking.
"Taylor, can we stop?" Ace asked. Taylor stopped walking and looked around. He waited a moment to reply and then turned around.
"No." Taylor said. Ace frowned and continued to walked. Taylor didn't start walking yet. Instead, he quickly kicked his carving and access wood fell off. He lifted the wood up of which he had left. Ace looked at it.
"Oh, you finished the bow." Ace said.
"Mhm." Taylor said as he put the bow over his head and around a shoulder. Then he grabbed Ace's hand and began to walk quicker. Ace rushed with Taylor.
"Taylor, why are we rushing?" Ace complained. Taylor didn't respond and just stared at the ground. Ace looked down and immediately saw why they were rushing. It looked like boot prints on the ground. Then he saw the boot prints turn towards the forest. There was a loud echo from the forest. A branch cracked. Taylor froze. Ace stopped walking and turned to the forest. Taylor immediately pulled Ace behind him. Ace looked down and saw Taylor's tail wrap around his legs, keeping him close. Ace looked up.
"Taylor?" Ace questioned, staring at the side of Taylor's face. He watched Taylor's eyes search the forest, the situation. Then dozens of tree branches broke. Taylor's ears threatened to fall. Ace's eyes widened. Taylor started to trembled and turned around.
"Run." Taylor said, pulled Ace's cape off of his shoulders and folding it quickly. He handed it to Ace and pointed a direction up river.
"Go. Don't turn back. I'll catch up with you." Taylor said. Ace gulped.
"What is it?" Ace muttered. Taylor turned around and heard more cracks from tree branches.
"Please just go." Taylor said. Ace looked down then started to run the direction Taylor requested. He ran just about a mile when he hid behind a tree and looked over at Taylor downstream. Taylor was looking around for a weapon when he heard the crackling grow larger. He looked up at the forest and quickly grabbed his knife from his boot. Ace squinted to see more clearly then his eyes widened.
Taylor stood his ground as a large group of black wolves came out from the forest. They stood in a straight line.
"My my my, is that young little Taylor?" One of the black wolves questioned, walking up to Taylor while the other wolves stood at a line still. Ace could hear them all pretty well for it was very silent. Taylor lifted his knife up to the wolf. The wolf laughed.
"Taylor boy, didn't we send you on that death mission? How are you still alive?" The wolf asked. Taylor didn't answer. The wolf glared at Taylor.
"Well, if you are alive, that must mean you succeeded at getting that gold from the castle vault." The wolf said. Taylor looked down quickly and back up. The wolf scoffed.
"Oh, so you didn't? Did you chicken out?" The wolf asked, walking closer to Taylor. Taylor quickly swung his knife for protection. The wolf dodged as if it were a small stick being swung. He started laughing then quickly grabbed the knife from Taylor. He threw it into the water and looked at Taylor with an evil grin. He quickly grabbed Taylor's hair and threw him to the ground. He kicked Taylor in the stomach twice and then knelt down. Taylor's ears fell and he rolled into a ball. He started to tremble.
"Taylor boy, must we kill your like how my father killed yours? Im pretty sure I'm capable of doing so." The wolf said. Taylor shook his head no. The wolf started to laugh.
"Then where is the gold we told you to steal? I thought you cared about your brother." The wolf asked. Taylor looked up at the wolf.
"I-I was on my way now-" Taylor mumbled. The wolf looked at Taylor then looked at the river.
"You were going upstream you dumbfuck. The kingdom is downstream." The wolf said. Taylor squeezed his eyes shut and sat up quickly. He immediately kicked the wolf in the chest and stood up. The wolf barely moved and started to laugh. The other wolves started to laugh as well.
"You are still weak Taylor. Another reason to kill you." The wolf laughed, pulling out a knife. Taylor backed up and almost slipped into the water. He looked down at the water which was deeper in that one spot. He turned back to the wolf. The wolf smirked.
"Ah, a worse death." The wolf said, sticking his knife back into the sack it was in. He stood up.
"You still can't swim, can ya." The wolf laughed as he walked closer to Taylor. Taylor held his stomach which was in pain from when the wolf kicked him and his heart raced. The wolf got closer. Taylor started to tremble and looked at the wolf with fear. The wolf finally smiled.
"Good. Feel fear. I'm sure your brother will miss you." The wolf said. Taylor's tail fell to the ground and his arms fell to his side. The wolf pushed Taylor into the water. Taylor just sank, not being able to swim. The wolf laughed and turned around.
"My lord, we have to return soon." One of the wolves said. The wolf that pushed Taylor into the water was named Tate Finny. He is the son of the man who killed Taylor's father.
"Alright. Let's go. We better run fast." Tate said. The wolves in a line turned around and ran into the woods fast. Tate followed after them quickly.
Ace stood there shocked, thinking Taylor was faking g his death. After a few minutes, he ran over to where Taylor sank. He threw everything down and took his shoes off quickly. He dived into the water to retrieve Taylor. He held his breath for as long as he could as he searched for Taylor. He swam deeper and deeper till he finally saw him at the very bottom, passed out. He swam to him and grabbed him. He swam to the surface quickly and did his best to throw Taylor to the bank. After two try's, he finally got him up on the bank and he got out. He pulled Taylor a little bit farther onto land and looked at him. He felt his heart. It didn't beat. He started to panic and did what he could. He pressed on his chest twice. Then a third time. Then a fourth time. Then finally, the fifth time worked. When he pressed down the fifth time, Taylor's eyes widened and he turned to the side. He coughed up a lot of water. Ace smiled and looked down.
"Oh thank the heavens." Ace said. Taylor sat up and looked at Ace. Ace looked up.
"Are you ok?" Ace asked. Taylor's ears stayed down and his eyes were red. He nodded slowly. Ace stood up and held his hands out. Taylor reached up and grabbed Ace's hands. Ace helped Taylor up. Taylor stood up straight and immediately felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He groaned and passed out. Ace looked down and looked at Taylor.

A Dragons Love Story 3 (Gay Love Story) BL/LGBTQ+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant