Venom vs Bane

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[Wiz: Every champion of justice inspires others, whether they mean to or not.

Boomstick: And sometimes, that "inspiration" creates your worst nightmare.]

"Sometimes the opposite happens as well." Marie commented.

"Good inspires evil, evil inspires good, good inspires good, evil inspires evil... It's all over the place." Beowulf shrugged.

"So who inspired these two?" Valentine asked.

[Wiz: Venom, the ultimate antithesis to Spider-Man.

Boomstick: And Bane, the burly genius who broke the Bat.]

"Bat? As in BATMAN?" Peacock asked loudly.

"Oh yeah, they talked about that... He's the bully that broke Batman's back when he saved him! Kick his big stupid butt, Venom!" Umbrella cheered.

"Venom just looks way more badass." Nadia chuckled.

[Wiz: The word "symbiosis" refers to two organisms living in beneficial harmony, such as when two beings bond over an obsessive, psychotic desire to kill Spider-Man.]

"Well. That's more than a little concerning." Nadia said.

Filia and Squigly, meanwhile, both looked at their respective parasites with tilted heads as Eliza grinned malevolently.

[Boomstick: Eddie Brock was an up and coming journalist on the brink of national success when life decided to just shit all over him.]

"Many a good soul turned cruel when the world around them showed them no kindness in return..." Parasoul sighed.

"Yeah... Tell me about it..." Valentine snorted.

[Wiz: One day, Eddie published an article incriminating a man he thought was a serial killer. However, that very same day, Spider-Man caught the real killer, publicly shaming Eddie. As a result, Eddie's company fired him, his father disowned him, and his wife left him. Also, he had cancer.]

"...Whoa... I... Wow... I don't even know what to say to that..." Beowulf spoke.

"Tch... Bullshit how life FUCKS you over for things out of your control..." Carol growled.

"Hmph... Humans... Throwing their own away at their every whim..." Double snorted.

[Boomstick: Damn, talk about a bad day. Understandably pretty upset about it, Eddie blamed Spider-Man for ruining his life.]

"Well... It's not like you can't understand where he's coming from..." Samson admitted.

"But Spider-Man just caught the bad guy. It's what he does!" Umbrella insisted.

"Hmph... If anyone damaged my career potential, there wouldn't be anything left to bury." Eliza spat.

[Boomstick: This led to his fateful meeting with a weird, black, gooey alien. Remember Gak from the '90s? It's just like that, except alive and... evil...

Venom lets out a roar, lunging towards the screen.]

"Damn. What bee got in that slime's bonnet?" Ben asked.

"Man you're old." Peacock snickered.

"Heh... Slimeball looks pretty cool, not gonna lie." Nadia chuckled.

[Wiz: This was a symbiote from the planet Klyntar, an alien species with one goal: to grow stronger by fusing with a living host.]

Samson perked up at that, then winced upon remembering Venom wanted a good guy dead.

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