Goku vs Superman

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[Wiz: Born to dying races and sent to brave new worlds, these two alien saviors are legendary.]

"Dying races...? Their entire species just... wiped out...?" Squigly breathed.

"Hey. Tragic things happen all the time." Nadia replied, patting her shoulder. "That's why ya gotta enjoy life as it is."

[Boomstick: And everybody wants to know who would kick who's ass in a fight. And I mean everyone.]

"Ah. It's just like the debate on who'd win a fight between me and that magical girl with the planet motif." Annie remarked.

"You'd kick her too short skirt wearing ass up and down the planet, Annie!" Peacock chirped.

[Wiz: Goku, the tenacious Super Saiyan.

Boomstick: And Superman, the Man of Steel.]

"Hmm... This is going to be a very grand scale episode, I'm sure." Marie noted.

"Yeah, they're both super!" Umbrella cheered.

[Wiz: To ensure no questions are left unanswered, we will be acknowledging every official resource for both combatants, though the original writings hold precedence. No mistranslations allowed. Also, as he was retconned and rebuilt in 1986, we will be examining the modern Superman.

Boomstick: Considering Supe's pre-86 could make up new super powers on the fly and destroy entire solar systems by sneezing, probably a good idea.]

Double clenched her fists at the immense power on display.

"Oh no, all those poor planets... I hope there were no people on them..." Filia murmured.

[Goku is shown jumping upwards into the air at a stump of wood, then hits it, breaking it into smaller, even pieces of wood. He lands in front of the stacked wood after landing on the ground.

Goku: Keah!]

"Huh. He gets to train and get a ton of firewood. Two birds, one stone." Nadia chuckled.

"I trained on logs too at first. Graduated to titanium not long after cause they were breaking too easily." Ben said with a smile.

[Wiz: Kakarot was born to a low-class Saiyan warrior on the planet Vegeta. He narrowly escaped the extinction of his entire race when he was sent to Earth with a single, simple mission...

Boomstick: Destroy everything!]

Squigly winced, and Marie hugged herself, shivering slightly as she remembered that was the fate she too was saddled with. Peacock rested a hand on the skullgirl's shoulder reassuringly.

[Boomstick: Then he conveniently bumped his head and forgot about it all.]

"If only it were that simple..." Parasoul sighed softly. Marie winced.

"Yes... If only." She agreed.

[Wiz: Dubbed Goku by his adopted grandfather, his life revolves around combat. He cares little for anything else, unless food is involved.

Goku: Can I have another bowl, please?

(*friends fall over in shock*)]

Annie looked at Beowulf. "My wallet had the same reaction at that buffet place." She teased. Beowulf looked away, embarassed.

[Boomstick: At 12 years old, he was trained by Master Roshi in Kame-Sennin Ryu, which pushes a person to superhuman levels.]

"Is that man wearing a turtle shell? How very gaudy." Eliza huffed.

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