Guts vs Nightmare

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[Wiz: For untold decades, scientists have searched for a legitimate method of measuring a person's level of badassness, completely missing the obvious answer.

Boomstick: Just check out the size of his sword!]

"Or her sword." Annie pointed out, brandishing her sword with a proud smirk.

"Patricia, stop snickering." Marie chided lightly.

[Boomstick: Like Guts, the brutal black swordsman from Berserk.

Wiz: And Nightmare, the demonic scourge from Soulcalibur.]

Leviathan narrowed his eyes. "I distrust this 'Nightmare' fellow."

[Wiz: In the realm of Midland, rumors run rampant of a man wielding a humongous blade slaying any that get in his way, but before his legend grew, this black swordsman was known simply as Guts.]

"Eh. Can't be all bad. He had to have spared some people if there are stories about him." Nadia reasoned.

[Boomstick: Oh ho, man, I'm so excited! Guts is one of the most badass and hardcore characters ever.

Guts shouts and swings a smaller sword, which shatters a ball and chain's ball.]

"Damn, now that's impressive muscle strength..." Cerebella mused.

"The medieval setting concerns me. That was a very harsh, brutal and difficult time. If he's as... erm... hardcore as they say, what could have caused him to become so?" Squigly asked.

[Wiz: But the story of Guts is not for the faint of heart.

Boomstick: Yeah, it's... kind of dark. You've been warned.]

"You're too young for this, little princess." Deadpool said, covering Umbrella's ears.

"What?! Hey, come on, no fair, I wanna hear it too, I'm a big girl, let me go, this is dumb!" The whining princess squirmed in the merc's grasp until Samson silenced her with a tendril over her mouth.

"Kid. If Deadpool says no, then it must be really bad." The parasite said.

[Wiz: After a brutal massacre, Guts was born from the corpse of his mother, who had been hanged from a tree.]

The room went silent at that. "That's...something I've regrettably come across before..." Valentine spoke softly.

"I never imagined that was possible with a dead womb..." Squigly breathed.

[Boomstick: And we're just getting started. Baby Guts was discovered by a traveling band of mercenaries and was adopted by the camp whore.]

"At the very least, he had a mother figure..." Marie muttered.

[Wiz: Who... died of the plague three years later.]

Filia gasped and teared up. "No... That is so unfair... Why do you have to take away both of his mothers...?"

"Life can be cruel like that, kid." Ben sighed, offering her a handkerchief.

[Wiz: With no one left to turn to, Guts was mentored by the mercenary leader Gambino, who began training him in swordsmanship when he was just six years old.]

"Hmm... Just the way it was back in the olden days..." Eliza mused.

"Thank goodness society's advanced since then." Ben groaned.

[???: Hey Guts! Why don't you use a smaller sword? One right for your size?

Guts tries to attack Gambino, who then knees him.

Gambino: We don't carry any baby-sized swords for kids here anyway.]

"Kid's taking a big risk. Trying to lift too much can really hurt in the longrun." Annie commented.

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