Wario vs King Dedede

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[Wiz: It's a lesson every hero has to learn someday: Just because your enemy is a little on the chubby side doesn't mean he's a pushover.

Boomstick: (upset) Are you talking about me?]

"So what if he is, chubbo?" Samson snickered.

"Samson, don't, that's not nice!" Filia chided.

"As long as you excercise regularly and properly balance your meals, nothing wrong with being on the hefty side." Valentine shrugged.

"Oh, when will this world grow up? Body shaming is reprehensible." Leviathan huffed.

"Heh. Some of the best wrestlers in the business were on the chubby side." Beowulf said with a nod.

"...They look like they jiggle." Peacock snickered.

[Wiz: I'm talking about Wario, the greedy and repulsive rival to Mario.

Boomstick: And King Dedede, the royal nemesis to everybody's favorite pink puffball, Kirby.]

"So uh... there a difference between rival and nemesis?" Asked Peacock.

"A rival is someone that wants to surpass you, a nemesis is someone that wants to destroy you." Valentine replied.

[Boomstick: Mario is a pretty busy guy. If he's not saving his favorite lady, Princess Peach, he's off saving a whole different princess in a whole different land.]

"Uh... Hopefully not dating her too..." Beowulf muttered.

"Hmm... I'm not certain it was ever specified that Mario and Peach were involved romantically..." Squigly mused.

"Guess Mario has a bit of a hero complex." Carol chuckled.

"I admire that trait. He can't leave anyone in danger." Parasoul said with a small smile.

"Heh... Or he just has a thing for princesses. Watch your back, Parasoul." Cerebella joked. Parasoul raised a brow and Nadia tensed up slightly.

"Ah, like she'd be interested in a short chubby little baby man like him." Nadia said with a light chuckle, unable to keep the underlying possessiveness out of her tone.

[Wiz: Until he returned home one day to find his castle under someone else's control.

Boomstick: First off, Mario has a castle? Awesome! But it had been taken by a chubby squatter dressed in yellow, named Wario.

Wario: Welcome to Wario World!]

"Arrogant ponce." Leviathan muttered.

"Pfft! Probably busted in cause he didn't have his own place, he looks like a homeless guy." Samson scoffed.

"Tch... The nerve of this disgusting slob... Stealing someone else's hard earned property..." Eliza scoffed.

"Guess all those gold coins Mario found had to go somewhere. Bet he used the golden flower to pay for it." Valentine chuckled.

"Kinda got the sense he'd prefer a nice, quiet little hut near the woods myself." Nadia chuckled.

"If he's his rival, spite had to have been his motive." Beowulf remarked.

"...I don't like his clothes, the color combination's kinda ugly..." Filia murmured.

"Hmm. He seems the type to desire everything, and to get it in the fastest, cheapest way possible..." Parasoul mused.

"Oh, you mess with MY house, you get the business end of this!" Peacock pulled out a shotgun.

[Wiz: Wario is Mario's opposite in every way. While Mario is kind and heroic, Wario is selfish and mischievous.]

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