All Might vs Might Guy

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[Boomstick: Let's be real, superheroes with super strength are like rabbits: they're everywhere.

Wiz: But when a hero uses that strength to inspire others, they truly stand out from the crowd.]

"Ah, I get it! They act larger than life because they wanna stand out above the crowd! Not a bad way to go about it." Cerebella noted.

"I mean... It's not always just super strength, sometimes they can fly too!" Filia remarked.

"Not an original bone in their bodies." Double scoffed. The Mask formed a boxing glove and slugged her in the jaw, the glove forming into a large anvil the second it made contact, sending her flying through a wall.

"I just can't help myself sometimes." He said with a grin.

"I very much understand how inspiring someone with great strength can be." Marie said with a soft smile.

"We could use more speedy heroes if ya ask me." Nadia chuckled.

"Or more like this guy!" Nadia pointed at the Mask, who grinned cheekily.

"I remember reading comics back in the day, and being strong was ninety percent of the hero market." Ben chuckled.

[Boomstick: Like All Might, the Symbol of Peace from My Hero Academia.

Wiz: And Might Guy, master of ninja combat and bushy brows from Naruto.]

"And is he any stealthier than the other ninjas we've seen on this show?" Asked Valentine with a frown.

"Symbol of Peace? Wow, I was a symbol of... uh... well, not peace, but... a symbol of something once!" Beowulf exclaimed.

"Oh my... His eyebrows... certainly could stand to be trimmed just a little bit..." Squigly murmured.

"Ah, looks fine to me." Samson grunted.

"So All Might's all about being a guy people can look up to." Ben guessed.

"Hmph. How can a mere man symbolize peace?" Double scoffed.

"Pffft! It's like Guy just glued two caterpillars above his eyeballs!" Nadia cackled.

"...We need a symbol of peace. Now more than ever..." Marie sighed.

"Ooh! All Might's a superhero! He's like Superman! He's super cool and muscly!" Umbrella chirped.

"Um... Where are his eyes...?" Filia asked regarding All Might.

"He got the same thing as me going on?" Peacock asked.

[Wiz: Imagine a world where superpowers are common, so-called Quirks, which can be trained at distinguished academies in hopes of becoming a superhero.]

"...That... would be absolute chaos." Annie opined.

"I don't wanna imagine the kinda crooks that exist over there..." Ben sighed.

"Hmm... It would possibly be a bit easier to maintain the Skullheart in such a setting..." Squigly murmured.

[Boomstick: I know what you're thinking: "If everyone's got a power, then no one is super, right?" Except, most Quirks are really lame, like a balloon face or stretchy eyeballs. Ew.]

"Pfft! Well, it's kinda nasty, but it'd be a fun party trick!" Laughed Peacock.

"Some people definitely get the short end of the stick." Valentine sighed.

[Wiz: Even then, there are some unlucky few who don't have any Quirk at all. You may already know one of these Quirkless: Izuku Midoriya. But before him, there came another, one who would change the world. His name is Toshinori Yagi.]

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