Captain Marvel vs Shazam

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[Wiz: Many with great power choose to take up the responsibility of being a hero, but for others, it is thrust upon them when they least expect it.]

"The power or the responsibility?" Asked Marie.

"Well... Both. Because power and responsibility go hand in hand." Leviathan replied.

"Yet so few know how to show responsibility." Double groaned.

"With great power comes... well, whatever you wanna do with it." Peacock shrugged.

"Yeah, not everyone with power's gonna use it responsibly." Samson chuckled.

"That's why you don't throw it onto unsuspecting people." Annie sighed.

"Indeed, it's important you carefully select who is trustworthy with power." Parasoul agreed.

[Boomstick: Like Captain Marvel, the high flying Avenger.

Wiz: And Shazam, the literal boy-turned-hero of the Justice League.]

"...Um... I have a weird feeling about Shazam..." Filia murmured.

"Ah, Captain Marvel... Hope you get a more dignified showing this time." Beowulf sighed.

"Heh, yeah, she died ass-up last time she was on this show." Samson snickered.

"Boy...turned...superhero? Boy as in...child?" Asked Annie.

"He's uh... He's a pretty big kid if that's the case." Cerebella noted.

"Ah, Miss Danvers... I pray you don't suffer as much this time..." Squigly murmured.

[Wiz: Before she would take up her superhero mantle, Carol was an army brat, raised by Joe and Marie Danvers.

Boomstick: Inspired by her U.S. Navy Dad, Carol joined the Air Force at 18, with the hopes of one day becoming an astronaut, which sounds really cool, except, y'know, comic book outer space is way more dangerous than real outer space, which is already... y'know, pretty friggin' dangerous.]

"He's capable of being sensible, so why, lord, why does he continue to act like a buffoon?" Leviathan wondered.

"Ah, an army brat. Kinda like this little tyke here." Nadia chuckled, ruffling Umbrella's hair, causing her to pout.

"Ah... She must have been close to her father if he inspired her to chase such a dream." Marie said softly.

"The void of space contains many things you're simply not ready to handle." Double said with a smirk.

"Yeah, space...honestly kinda freaks me out. Like, we're just a big orb floating in an empty black void!" Cerebella shivered.

"Pfft! Wuss! Space is the coolest thing ever! Ah, I'd love to jump around on the moon without gravity holding me back!" Peacock chirped.

"It all sounds wondrous and exciting on paper, but in reality, not only is it immensely dangerous, but you would also spend many, many months if not years waiting to reach your destination." Parasoul replied.

[Boomstick: Arnold! Don't take off your-

Arnold from the Magic School Bus is shown removing his helmet in space, making his head instantly freeze.

Boomstick: Nooooo!]

"...That STUPID boy! What was he THINKING?!" Exclaimed Valentine.

"He was really pissed off at his cousin and he wanted to prove a point!" Deadpool chirped.

"...The whelp ended his own life just to prove a point?" Double asked with a raised brow.

"Oh, no, they got him back on the bus and he just had a cold!" Deadpool replied.

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