Terminator vs Robocop

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[Boomstick: Sci-fi movies have taught me two very important things. One, I want my own lightsaber, and two, the future blows.]

Eliza smirked. "Oh, it will. For everyone else that is." She whispered under her breath, gleefully thinking about her plans for the future.

"I am gonna stop you, you know that, right?" Annie said with a glare.

"You're free to try, little girl."

[Wiz: It's unavoidable, the warrior of the next millennium is the machine. Such as The Terminator, the time-traveling metal assassin.

Boomstick: And RoboCop, Detroit's cyborg defender.]

Valentine frowned. "A well built assassin... As I live and breathe..."

"Yes, they do always seem to be rather lithe... I wonder why that is..." Squigly mused.

[Wiz: These mechanized combatants have fought before, but never in a no-holds-barred, one-on-one duel to the death.]

"Settling an old score then!" Samson remarked.

"Time to figure out who's really the best bot." Nadia chuckled.

[Wiz: In the distant future of 2004, the government deployed the world's first automated defense network, Skynet, to keep everybody on the planet safe and happy.]

"Hmph. I don't need some stinky robots doing everything for me. I can take care of myself." Umbrella said.

"Is that why I still have to brush your hair for you every day?" Parasoul asked with a smirk.

"Well it's not my fault the brush tangles too easily!"

[Boomstick: So Skynet used the planet's nuclear arsenal to annihilate most of humanity and take over the world. The age of machines had begun.]

"This is why I keep telling people robots are a bad idea. I've seen this happen firsthand." Annie stressed.

"Hey, if we find the right failsafe, I say bring on the bots!" Nadia chirped.

[Wiz: To combat the remaining human resistance, Skynet developed a specialized breed of robotic soldier.

Boomstick: Affectionately called the Terminator.]

"Affectionately? My codename's more affectionate than that, and it's a freaking pun." Carol deadpanned.

"What are you talking about? It sounds badass! I wish I had an awesome codename like that!" Cerebella chirped.

[Wiz: Standing 6'2" and weighing almost 400 lbs, the T-850 terminator is a cybernetic organism - living tissue surrounding a hyper-alloy endoskeleton. This made the perfect disguise, capable of infiltrating enemy ranks with its human visage.]

"Hmph... Doubtful. His disguise is too distinct. If he were truly meant to blend in, he would look ordinary." Double said.

[Boomstick: Basically the whole point of the Terminator was to blend in with normal people, and then kill them. Yes, because two-time powerlifting champion ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is totally your average guy!]

Squigly giggled. It was odd that a shapeshifting eldritch abomination shared the same opinion as a drunk redneck. Double caught on as well and was less than pleaaed.

[Wiz: Sure, but only the Model 101 Class looked like that. The Terminator has hundreds of different possible faces.]

"Riiight. What, is the next one gonna be a gorgeous supermodel?" Beowulf laughed.

"C'mon, if you're gonna make a robot, why not make it look awesome?" Peacock replied.

[Boomstick: What was that one designed for? Attracting women and making men feel inadequate?]

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