Venom vs Crona

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[Boomstick: It's always nice to have a best friend attached to your hip, like me and my shotgun leg.

Wiz: But these two take their "friends" even further than that.

We cut to the combatants' name cards.

Boomstick: Venom, the lethal symbiote and Spider-Man's best frenemy.

Wiz: And Crona, the deadly Demon Sword from Soul Eater.]

"...That child is a demon?!" Marie asked in shock.

"...Not seein' it." Carol grunted.

"Huh... Kid's also got a parasite?" Samson asked.

"I just pray his is more respectable than you or Brock's or Kasady's..." Leviathan groaned.

Valentine scowled. "That little guy, a demon... Tch... How dare they?"

"Hmm... So he was weak enough to befriend his rival? How sad." Eliza drawled.

"The Demon Sword... He must be a truly frightening force with his blade then..." Parasoul murmured.

"He? I thought Crona was a girl." Umbrella murmured.

"Come on, little guy, don't lose to this thing..." Annie muttered.

[Wiz: At the beginning of time, in the faraway reaches of space, the Klyntar rose from a living darkness. One of these amorphous symbiotes was Venom.

Venom: Eyes, lungs, pancreas... so many snacks, so little time...]

"Yeeeeeah, definitely can't abide by any sentient being that... y'know... eats people." Nadia grimaced.

"Hmm... Are these Klyntar inherently malicious like Brock and Cassady?" Parasoul wondered.

"...I pray at least a few are benevolent... I weep for any poor soul that gets attached to a malicious parasite..." Marie sighed.

Valentine winced and Annie began to sweat, realizing their child was going up against a violent beast.

[Boomstick: Who was a freakin' loser! Hey, don't look at me, all the goop aliens were sayin' it. So they kicked the poor slime ball straight off the planet.]

"...Classic story of a violent outburst." Ben sighed.

"Hmph. So his poor treatment drove him to madness like Brock." Marie murmured.

"Wow. What's it take to be labelled a loser by these guys?" Nadia wondered.

"...Is that why you're so grumpy all the time, Samson? Do the other parasites think you're a loser?" Filia asked innocently.

"NO!" Samson snapped before pulling harshly at her cheeks, causing her to whine and squirm around.

"...If Venom's a loser, what does that make Bane?" Umbrella giggled.

"Hmm. Seems he failed to meet their expectations." Double noted.

"...How awful..." Squigly sighed.

"Wow. Even alien slime monsters bully each other." Cerebella sighed.

[Wiz: In its exile, the symbiote underwent a number of misadventures which firmly shaped its personality. It bonded to a heroic Kree soldier rescuing refugees, a violent monster who committed genocide, and... apparently Deadpool.

Boomstick: Damn. No wonder Venom's so messed up in the head.]

"Not my finest hour." Admitted the Merc.

"...Wow... It has GOT to be SUPER confused..." Umbrella muttered.

"It's morality's all over the place." Nadia noted.

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