Kirby vs Majin Buu

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[Wiz: Imagine right now: What does the apocalyptic destroyer of worlds look like?]

"Marie." Carol deadpanned.

"Apologies, Miss Marie, but..." Leviathan agreed. Marie sighed.

[Boomstick: Stop thinking, because you're wrong. It's these pudgy pink terrors. Kirby, Nintendo's floating puffball of never-ending cheer and dreams.

Wiz: And Majin Buu, the most vicious monster in the Dragon Ball Universe.]

"Here's rooting for Kirby!" Umbrella chirped.

[Wiz: Over a thousand years ago, an epic war waged throughout the universe. The legendary Star Warriors battled against the vile Nightmare for the freedom of everything that ever was. Ultimately, good prevailed, but at the cost of many, many lives.]

"As is often the case." Parasol said softly.

[Yet one infant Star Warrior escaped the carnage, destined to awaken a millennium later, and save the galaxy. His name... is Kirby...

(*Record scratches*)

Kirby: HIII!

Boomstick: Wait, what?!]

Marie clapped her hands over her cheeks to try and hide her blush. "So adorable..." She whispered softly.

Valentine sighed. She was going to be dealing with a lot of gushing, it seemed...

[Boomstick: The cute cuddly pink puffball who lives in Happyland? Are you sure you're reading the right back story?]

"Ah, they always underestimate the cute ones." Annie said smugly.

"No one should be underestimated. Power comes from all over the place." Ben agreed.

[Wiz: Yes. He crash-landed on Popstar, the most confusingly-shaped planet ever, and has been defending the kingdom of Dream Land ever since.]

"Wow, these names sound like something straight outta one of those baby shows the kids watch back at the lab." Peacock said boredly.

"Yeah, freaking Pop Star... What, is it a singing planet or some crap?" Samson huffed.

"Nah, only time a planet ever sang was that one time some dumb bastard dropped their case of beer in space and Ego swallowed it and got wasted." Deadpool replied. Everyone stared at him. "Buuuut that's neither here nor there!"

[Boomstick: But... look at him! He's just so adorable and cuddly. He couldn't hurt a fly.]

"Hooo boy. Our cute little buddy's about to become a powerhouse, isn't he?" Nadia asked Deadpool.

"Lemme put it this way. He'd eat the Trinity. And not in the way we all know Venus likes it."

"DISGUSTING MONGREL! HOW DARE-" Deadpool casually backhanded the blob.

[Wiz: Kirby is a ravenous cannibal who thrives on the blood of mass murder.]

"Wait, wha- That tiny little... How can he... That makes no..." Samson sputtered.

"Surprising indeed... And he appeared so innocent too..." Leviathan sighed.

[(Kirby and his friends stands and looks over a canyon full of bones)

Tiff: Did you do this?

Boomstick: Holy shit!]

Marie swallowed. A pit full of unwanted minions...

Carol grunted. "Least he can keep friends..."

[Wiz: He may not look it, but Kirby is a powerhouse. He possesses incredible strength, speed, durability, and an arsenal stranger than an average day in Florida.

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