Leon vs Frank

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[Wiz: Surviving the undead apocalypse takes grit, perseverance, and an armies worth of firepower. With all that and some luck, these two became experts in zombie fighting.]

"What? Do they have to deal with the threat of the Skullgirl as well?" Marie asked.

Filia turned to Squigly. "So...It's not...offensive to you, right?"

"Of course not, Filia, I'm well aware the majority of the undead aren't like me." Squigly said with a sad smile.

[Boomstick: Leon Kennedy, the top cop and government agent in Resident Evil.

Wiz: And Frank West, the backyard wrestling MacGyver of Dead Rising.]

"Cop fighting a reporter... Oh, that does NOT end well..." Sighed Ben.

"Screw the police." Samson muttered. "Leon better not be a dirty cop."

"...What's a MacGyver...?" Filia murmured.

[Wiz: As a child, Leon Scott Kennedy's father instilled in him a strong sense of justice. Following in his footsteps, Leon joined the police force, determined to uncover the darkest riddles and uphold the law.]

"An honest man." Parasoul spoke appraisingly.

"Yeah, the right values! Sounds like his old man was a real winner!" Beowulf cheered.

"Just last season I probably would have hated him." Cerebella sighed.

[Leon: Hope you got friends on the other side, 'cause no one's gonna miss you here.]

"...Fuck, now he sounds too brutal." Carol grumbled.

"Hey, if I had that metal fucker and his fat fucking toad of a boss that offed Filia's family and Dog in front of me, I'd be saying WAY worse than that to 'em." Samson growled.

[Popup: Did you know George Romero (Dawn of the Dead) once directed a commercial for Leon's debut game, Resident Evil 2?]

"...I'm guessing that's a big name director. What's he doing making commercials for a video game?" Annie asked.

"Perhaps he wanted a robust resume." Marie murmured.

[Boomstick: So, for his first-ever assignment, he took the biggest challenge he could find. Instead of picking an easy job, like dishing out dastardly parking tickets, he was off to Raccoon City to investigate a bunch of mysterious murders.]

"Wait, how'd he get that assignment?" Asked Cerebella. "Don't cops need to like... I dunno... start small?"

"Guy must have had a hell of a good resume." Ben remarked.

"Some guys just like to start big, eh?" Nadia chuckled.

[Wiz: His instincts were good, perhaps too good. Officer Kennedy wound up choosing the most challenging and dangerous assignment he possibly could have.]

"And yet he had all he needed to survive in his wits and skill alone." Guessed Leviathan.

"Good instincts leading to danger. Funny how that works." Nadia remarked.

"Always more to things than meets the eye..." Annie sighed.

[Boomstick: Yeah, turns out Trash Panda Town was due for a big ol' zombie outbreak, and Leon got stuck in the middle. How's that for hazing the rookie?]

"...Good luck, kid." Was all Beowulf could say.

"Tch... They should have sent someone with more experience!" Parasoul growled.

"Yeesh... If it's not the Skullgirl, wonder what's causing it..." Nadia grimaced.

[Wiz: He wasn't a rookie for long. After fending off the zombie threat, and even taking a bullet-

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