Deadpool vs Pinkie Pie

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[Wiz: Fiction has a very fragile set of rules. Authors should be wary, as one small crack can be enough to smash the boundary and send their stories careening out of control.]

"Didn't the last fight involving one of these ponies end with it eating a giant robot's soul?" Carol pointed out.

"Oh yes! Wilson may be in danger! How wonderful!" Eliza cackled.

"Ah blow it out your ass..." Carol muttered.

[Boomstick: Are we really doing this?

Wiz: We're really doing this.]

"They seem...reluctant?" Squigly noticed.

"Mostly Boomstick." Annie agreed.

"Such behaviour from Boomstick is to be expected when one of the combatants is a small pink pony." Leviathan chortled.

[Boomstick: Well, here's Deadpool, Marvel's Merc with a Mouth.

Wiz: And Pinkie Pie, Equestria's peppy party pony.]

"Wow, alliteration!" Umbrella said, proud she remembered the big word.

"Heh... Merc with a mouth... Describes him to a T!" Peacock chirped.

"What's a pony that throws parties gonna bring to a fight?" Cerebella asked.

[Wiz: Loneliness. Depression. Cancer. When you think of the Merc with a Mouth, these are unlikely to be the first things you associate with the assassin called Deadpool. Yet, before the red and black suit, these were the ingredients in the life of Wade Wilson.]

"A walking talking tumor that can talk." Valentine remembered.

"I forgot how sad his story was. I'm gonna give him a hug when he gets back!" Umbrella declared.

"IF he comes back." Eliza purred. Umbrella whacked her upside the head with Hungern.

[Boomstick: Blah blah blah, we've been over this before. How about we just skip to the best parts?]

"Yeah, let's see if he has any new toys!" Peacock chirped.

"Not polite to dismiss Wade like that, kid." Ben chided lightly.

"Yeah, we got a rerun for Shadow." Nadia nodded.

[Deadpool: Hold up, hold up, hold up! You just can't skip my amazing origin story like that! I have a movie now, so we have all this crispy new footage to use. For educational purposes of course.]

"He didn't have a movie before?" Annie asked in confusion.

"Huh. He seems the kinda hero they'd jump at the chance to make a movie about." Nadia remarked.

"Guess he was too raunchy for 'em." Samson grunted.

[Boomstick: Wiz, he's back! Where's my shotgun?]

"If you wanna piss him off." Ben chuckled.

"Honestly... Boomstick is far too trigger happy." Parasoul sighed.

"It's right there in his stupid name." Carol grunted.

[Wiz: Just ignore him. In short, Wilson was a mercenary who developed cancer.

Deadpool: I had 34 tumors. They were literally everywhere.]

"Oooh... Meouch..." Nadia winced.

"Hmph... How pathetic that you're still in search of the cure for this trivial illness." Eliza huffed.

"...Are you saying you know the cure?" Parasoul demanded.

"I do. And I will not share it with lowly commoners." Everyone started throwing food at her. Even Deadpool threw a few things from inside the screen.

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