Danny Phantom vs Jake Long

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[Wiz: There's a thin line between the natural and the supernatural.

Boomstick: And for some reason, the weirdest of powers keep showin' up in teens. When's it gonna be our turn?

We cut to the combatants' name cards.

Wiz: Danny Phantom, Amity Park's half-human half-ghost superhero.

Boomstick: And Jake Long, the hip American Dragon of New York City.]

"New York AGAIN? How many heroes does that place NEED?" Umbrella piped up.

"Teenagers with supernatural powers. As expected from this show..." Parasoul sighed.

"Heh. Had to wait till I was twenty to get my powers." Nadia chuckled.

"...Powered teenagers or powered adults... Both are equally unsettling to think about in their own way..." Double sighed.

"Oh my... Danny is only...HALF dead...?" Squigly asked.

"...Hip? ...Oh, he's gonna be totally outdated in his slang, isn't he?" Cerebella groaned.

"Kids with powers is a common trope for one reason: Wish fulfillment." Annie chuckled.

"Guessin' Peacock would be all over these shows." Ben chuckled.

"Half-ghost... Would I have control, or would he resist it like Squigly...?" Marie wondered.

"...Our world's got a pretty good moderation of power between teenagers and adults." Samson grunted.

"Teenagers just aren't ready for that kind of responsibility." Valentine sighed.

"Goodness... No wonder the boy's hair is so ghastly white..." Leviathan murmured.

[Boomstick: (rapping) Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14, when his parents built a very strange machine, it was designed to view a world unseen. He's gonna catch em' all, 'cause he's Danny Phantom!~

Wiz: Nice, but let's focus on his backstory.

Boomstick: What do you mean? I just did. In song!]

"...Ah, the theme song tells ya all ya need to know. I like that." Peacock noted.

"Boomstick, you got no business rapping." Ben sighed.

"He has no business doing ANYTHING related to music." Carol grunted.

[Wiz: Fair enough. Danny wasn't much different from your usual high school teenager; a bit awkward, a bit geeky, but not unusual, except for the fact that his parents had taken up a very unusual profession.

Boomstick: Yeah! Hunting ghooooosts~!]

"...They look like a couple of goofballs, so I'm gonna assume they're terrible at it." Predicted Cerebella.

"So he was a nerd." Peacock snickered.

"Hush now, he's perfectly average." Marie chided.

"...Y'know, I could probably hunt ghosts, I sense freaky stuff happening all the time." Nadia chuckled.

"The sixth sense of a cat and the power of the lifegem. This doesn't surprise me." Eliza noted.

[Wiz: Among their spectral-seeking equipment was the Fenton Portal. Meant to open a rift to the realm of spirits.

Boomstick: The Ghooost Zooone~...! (rapping) But then, Danny took a look inside of it, there was a great big flash, everything just changed, his molecules got all rearranged! Uh, okay, I'll stop.]

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