Black Canary vs Sindel

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[Wiz: It's a trope we're all familiar with, the damsel in distress crying for help.

Boomstick: Uh, yeah, Wiz, don't think that's the case here, 'cause these two are the opposite. If you ever hear their cry, you're dead.

We cut to the combatants' name cards.

Wiz: Black Canary, the blonde bare-knuckled brawler of DC Comics.

Boomstick: And Sindel, the literal scream queen from Mortal Kombat.]

"Ah. So they both use sonic waves to battle then." Leviathan concluded.

"Ah, the classic breaking a glass with a high pitched scream tricked amped up to eleven." Beowulf chuckled.

"...I'm gonna have a migraine by the time we're done here, aren't I?" Annie sighed.

"Don't say a word, Samson! I DON'T scream that loud!" Filia huffed.

"Ah... I very well could do this trick if I wanted to." Squigly said with a small smile.

"Perhaps Princess Peach should learn their ways." Marie giggled.

"Heheh... Good thing I have high tolerance for loud noise." Ben chuckled.

"Lucky..." Cerebella muttered.

"Well, they'd both have to have some kind of resistance themselves to not go deaf from their own screams." Valentine noted.

[Wiz: Behold, the Justice Society of America. The first recorded team of superheroes in the DC Universe.]

"Must be a precursor to the League..." Valentine mused.

"Oooh, the Justice League's grandpa!" Peacock chirped, rubbing her hands together.

"It's nice to know the people had a team defending them before the League took the mantle." Squigly said with a smile.

"Even if the law requires me to punish vigilantism... I really would rather not sometimes, and this world seems to need it." Parasoul murmured.

[Boomstick: Where else could you find a boxer in a catsuit chillin' with the spirit of God's divine wrath?]

"Huh. Now that is one wacky crew." Mused Ben.

"That guy's a badass for standing with someone like that!" Peacock chirped.

"Oh wow! What else have they got?!" Umbrella asked excitedly.

"Uh... Black Canary, I guess." Annie shrugged.

"Hey, the guy in the catsuit would make an AWESOME rival!" Beowulf remarked.

"Oh yeah! Dog vs cat!" Cerebella realized.

"So God's wrath chose the correct side in this world." Marie huffed, scowling at Double.

[Wiz: And among these men and Gods stood a woman, the judo-chopping Black Canary.

Boomstick: Wait, why a canary? Canaries don't know Judo. ...Or do they?]

"...Well now I gotta try and teach Tweety judo." Peacock said simply.

"How does SHE fit in? She doesn't even have an impressive physique!" Eliza scoffed.

"Says YOU." Nadia huffed.

"Well, clearly it's because of her song." Leviathan said with a smirk.

"Canaries can be pretty loud. I know from experience." Ben remarked, looking at Peacock.

"Ah, Tweety's not that loud, he's just expressing himself."

"A lot of superhero names are weird." Valentine said with a shrug.

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