Chun-Li vs Mai

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[Wiz: When it comes to fighting, combatants come in all shapes and sizes.

Boomstick: And I'm liking the shapes and sizes on these two!]

"Tch... I'm barely mad anymore..." Muttered a defeated Carol.

"Exposure therapy." Nadia said, patting her shoulder.

[Wiz: Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world.

Boomstick: Mai Shiranui, the queen of fighters.]

"High flying titles... But one of 'em's gettin' dethroned." Ben noted.

"Well... Mai's title's a bit grander, so I'm gonna bet on her..." Filia replied, unsure.

[Wiz: Chun-Li, first lady of the fighting game.]

"Wow, she's married to the president? She's livin' the good life!" Peacock cracked.

"Hmm... Being the very first playable woman in a fighting game is a true milestone." Marie said.

[Boomstick: Famous for abusing the Thigh Master.]

"Huh... Yeah, she sure doesn't skip leg day." Beowulf said rather appreciatively.

"Hrm... I daresay it's the only day she doesn't skip." Leviathan replied.

[Wiz: Chun-Li is a detective for Interpol, and has gone through a rudimentary police combat training. She has also trained with Gen, a friend of her father's and legend of the Chinese Fighting Underworld.]

"Well, she doesn't seem to stick to her uniform." Ben commented.

"Eh. Let a girl dress how she wants." Nadia replied with a shrug.

[Boomstick: But she never did finish her training with him. Does anyone ever finish their training? Seriously! Well, I guess it's not totally her fault. After Bison killed her dad, Gen just kinda disappeared on her. What a dick.]

"Huh... I'm smellin' shenanigans here..." Peacock said.

"Coincidence? I think not!" Carol barked.

[Wiz: Since then, Chun-Li's been chasing after Bison for vengeance. She has trained in defense of Tai Chi, and is skilled in a fast-paced kickboxing variant of Kenpo. She prefers speed over strength, using a combination of rapid strikes to pressure an opponent.]

"Hmm... Nadia has a similar creed..." Annie mused.

Eliza smirked. "Yet she functions on the other side of the law."

[Boomstick: And if you can't tell by looking at 'em, her legs are pretty damn powerful. She can even kick people through solid brick.]

Parasoul raised a brow. "Hmm... Intriguing..." She said thoughtfully.

"Heheheh... Looks like our princess is considering martial arts lessons..." Ben chuckled.

[Boomstick: Still, her strength doesn't just lie in those legs. She's strong enough to toss things around as big as a couch.]

"Whoa... What a woman." Beowulf said, impressed.

"Oh? Could it be you're interested in her, Beowulf?" Marie asked curiously.

"Pfft! What?! No, of course not! I don't crush on fictional ladies, that's... That's childish..." The wrestler retorted.

[Wiz: Her main attacks include the unbelievably fast Lightning Legs, the unpredictable Axe Kick, and the physics defying Spinning Bird Kick.]

"Tch... Spin kicks are such a waste of time and energy... They take too long to hit, they leave you vou vulnerable and they tire you out faster." Valentine huffed.

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