Hercule Satan vs Dan Hibiki

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[Wiz: "A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come." - Bruce Lee]

"Wise words. A shame it's directed at the lowest form of warrior imagineable." Eliza mused.

"Ah, come off it. Guys who can throw down against the best of 'em with their bare hands deserve respect." Ben replied.

[Boomstick: But some fighters are dumb enough to ignore the legendary Bruce Lee's word.]

"Wait, so... these guys are bad fighters...?" Annie asked.

"Sure didn't look all that impressive." Carol grunted.

"What...? But... But Satan..." Eliza murmured.

"Did he cheat?!" Umbrella asked indignantly.

"He did seem the type." Marie murmured.

[Wiz: And Dan Hibiki, the Saikyo Street Fighter.]

"Saikyo? What kind of weird title is that?" Valentine spoke with a raised brow.

"Sounds more mystical than I'm sure it actually is." Leviathan drawled.

[Wiz: The Earth was in danger, the future of mankind threatened by a monster named Cell.]

"Man, did Hercule steal someone's credit?" Ben grumbled.

"Eh. They didn't want the attention anyway." Deadpool replied.

[Wiz: All would be lost unless a hero could best him in the ring of champions.]

"What kind of monster gives a fair fight?" Carol muttered.

"One that enjoys a fair fight?" Nadia guessed.

[Boomstick: The hope of the world lay on the shoulders, and afro, of one man... Hercule Satan!]

"Getting the sense he couldn't hack it." Beowulf guessed.

"If he's their last line of defense, they're in real trouble." Ben sighed.

[Cell slaps him so hard Hercule flies into a mountainside.]

6"Damn. Like he wasn't even trying." Nadia marvelled.

"Ugh... I despise weaklings..." Valentine groaned.

[Boomstick: Yeah... we're screwed.]

"Good." Double giggled maliciously. Deadpoop hit her with a mallet and sent her flying out the window into a mountain.

[Wiz: Officially, Mr. Satan is the World Martial Arts Champion and chosen savior of humanity... or so he would have you believe.]

"And gets pelted with cash for it too, I bet... Lucky bastard..." Peacock grumbled.

"Conning's a quick and easy way to get a quick buck. Buuut I have more integrity than that." Nadia remarked.

[Boomstick: Hey, if I could lie that well, I'd make everybody think I'm king of the world, too, or even... God! Muhahahaha!]

"Wiz. Use a spray bottle please." Marie grumped.

"Everyone worshipping this man... The horror... The horror!" Squigly panicked slightly.

[Wiz: But before he was the "Hero of the People", Mr. Satan went by... Mark.]

"...So even his name is a lie?" Parasoul boggled.

"Such a plain name too..." Cerebella agreed.

[Wiz: Eager to learn, Mark sought to master the art of combat.]

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