Fulgore vs Sektor

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[Boomstick: Cyborgs... are fucking badass!

Wiz: As someone with my own cybernetic arm that suffers constant glitches, I have to agree! Cyborgs are awesome!]

Parasoul blinked. "Cyborgs? But where are their human traits?" She asked with a frown, not liking where this was going.

"Oooh, I get the sense they didn't get to be cyborgs because they wanted to..." Nadia mumbled.

[Boomstick: Like Fulgore, the metal monster of Killer Instinct.

Wiz: And Sektor, the ninja cyborg from Mortal Kombat.

Boomstick: Totally should've been Cyrax.]

Ben blinked. "Cyrax, huh? Now there's a cool name. Kinda wish I got a cool cyborg title like that..." He chuckled.

"I can imagine the many hours these fools spent arguing over which of the two would face this bulky machine... Petty squabbles are youu humans' trademark." Double huffed.

[(Wiz punches Boomstick with his robot arm)

Boomstick: Ah! What the hell?!

Wiz: (Sarcastically) Oh, sorry, arm's glitching up again.

Boomstick: When you least expect it, Wiz. When you least expect it.]

"Guess they got a feud going on... Classic nerd and dumbass duo..." Samson snickered.

"No hitting!" Umbrella chided, pointing Hungern at the screen.

[Wiz: In the dystopian world of Killer Instinct, there are no governments, no courts, no nations. There is only the megacorporation that controls the Earth.

Boomstick: Wal-Mar- um, UltraTech!]

Umbrella decided to make laws that would check corporate authority if or when she took the throne.

"I never did trust that big supermarket that opened up near Little Innsmouth... Always seemed like one big scam..." Nadia mumbled.

[Wiz: To tighten his iron grip even further, UltraTech's chairman plotted to build an army of cybernetic enforcers. Thus, he created the deadly sadistic prototype known as Fulgore.]

"Sadism... A waste of energy for a soldier, and a disgusting trait for any man." Leviathan opined with a shake of his head, wondering why anyone would build a machine to be sadistic.

"Makes sense that it's just a prototype. I mean, just look at the bulk on that thing. Probably clunks around and knocks things over." Nadia remarked.

[Boomstick: Fulgore... now there's a name that will strike fear into your enemies. Just saying it gives me chills.]

Filia nodded. "It is a pretty cool name... "

"Huh. Funny. I actually considered that for my stage name. I was gonna go for some android cyborg theme before I decided it was too gimmicky." Beowulf remarked.

[Boomstick: Standing 6'5" with over five hundred pounds of reinforced steel, Fulgore is a brutal killing machine, all while rocking a stylish ponytail. Steven Seagal would be proud.]

Marie tilted her head. "Hmm. I have noticed an increase in male ponytails in recent times..." She mused.

"Yeah, too bad most of 'em can't pull it off to save their life!" Peacock cackled.

[Wiz: Actually, to dupe people into trusting their cyborgs, UltraTech cleverly designed Fulgore to look the part of an honorable knight, helmet plume included.

Boomstick: Call it what you want, Wiz, that's a ponytail.]

"Hmm... I wonder if they had different plumes for the higher marked machines... I wouldn't mind having one of these..." Eliza mused to herself. Her own mechanical knight to do her bidding... What could be better?

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