Red Team vs Blue Team

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[Boomstick: Edison versus Tesla, Coke versus Pepsi, Goku versus Superman...

Wiz: Few rivalries have lasted nearly two decades or spawned epic battles like our second favorite web series, Red vs. Blue.

We cut to the combatants' name cards.

Boomstick: With the Red Team, even though most of them don't actually wear red.

Wiz: And the Blue Team, their perpetual ocean-colored rivals.]

"Wow, it's been a while since we had a full on team fight!" Peacock chirped.

"Eggman vs Wily was the last one, I believe..." Parasoul murmured.

[We cut back to Wiz and Boomstick.

Wiz: For this battle, we'll be bringing these two groups back to where it all started.

Boomstick: To find out what would've happened if they had stopped dickin' around and actually just fought for real.

Wiz: Just to note, we will be locking any artificial intelligence characters within their primary bodies, since they're generally invincible unless they stumble into an EMP.

Boomstick: You mean an emp.

Wiz: What?]

"Ha! Reference!" The Mask laughed.

"...I used to think the same thing..." Filia admitted.

"Hmm. Seems the hosts really like these guys a lot." Valentine remarked.

"Pfft! So these guys... ain't the best soldiers around, huh?" Nadia snickered.

"Wait, some of these guys aren't even real?" Cerebella asked.

[Simmons: Hey.

Grif: Yeah?

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?]

" one of life's great mysteries, isn't it...?" Annie mused.

"Yeah, why ARE they in a canyon?" Umbrella asked with a tilted head.

"Hmph. So they're philosophical?" Eliza asked with a raised brow.

"I've... asked the same question many times..." Marie sighed.

"...Where DID we come from...? Is it all just one big coincidence...?" Beowulf asked.

"...There are deities right there." Double said flatly, pointing at the slacker and unemployed.

"Oh, let him have his moment." Leviathan huffed.

"You're there because of your mothers." Valentine said with a light chuckle.

"There's much in life one must question..." Squigly murmured.

[Wiz: Not long from now in a galaxy theoretically exactly where we are, humanity goes to war with an alien covenant.

Boomstick: So the United Nations Space Command came up with a ton of plans to win. And one of those was called "Project Freelancer".

Wiz: Essentially an experiment using A.I. to create invincible super soldiers. In order to fabricate scenarios to train these highly advanced warriors, Freelancer opted for a, uh... unique approach.

Boomstick: Dumpin' a bunch of losers in a box canyon and tellin' them they're at war with each other!]

"...An utter waste of resources." Parasoul declared.

"Yeesh... That close, huh?" Ben muttered.

"Hmph... I doubt any of these plans worked in their favor." Eliza sneered.

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