Amy vs Ramona

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[Boomstick: As the old saying goes, behind every great man is a badass woman with a big hammer, something like that.]

"Angry girls with heavy blunt objects? Now that's a nightmare..." Beowulf winced.

"Hmph... So you were a philanderer..." Double muttered.

"What? No, I was talking about my old friend. Got into a BAD relationship back in the day..."

[Wiz: And today's combatants are exactly that. What could go wrong?

Boomstick: Amy Rose, Sonic the Hedgehog's number one fangirl.]

"Again, depends on the writer. Sometimes they're on fine terms, sometimes she's insufferably annoying." Deadpool clarified.

"Ooooh, she's one of those crazy stalker fans." Umbrella noted.

"I know the type..." Annie grumped.

[Wiz: And Ramona Flowers, the girl of Scott Pilgrim's dreams.]

"Huh. Now why does that sound so ominous?" Peacock opined.

"Guessin' that's literal somehow." Ben chuckled.

[Wiz: When young Amy Rose first heard of the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, she became immediately obsessed.]

"Yep. That checks out." Annie sighed.

"It's disturbing that you have to deal with this sort of thing at your age..." Valentine muttered, shaking her head.

[Boomstick: But while most rabid fangirls would stalk him online or build a shrine in their closet, Amy dialed her crazy up to eleven.]

" going somewhere awful." Marie sighed.

"Just had to get up close and personal..." Valentine groaned.

[Wiz: I guess you could say she was... Hooked on Sonics? Huh?]

"...I wish I understood the pun." Nadia said.

"What the FUCK did he say?! WHAT DID HE SAY?!" Carol demanded aggressively.

[Boomstick: Ugh... *He gags.* I threw up in my mouth a little bit, that was so bad.]

Filia looked over at Carol, who was convulsing in rage. Megumi noticed her emotional state and hopped into her lap, standing on her hind legs and resting her front paws against Carol's chest. Carol blinked, then hugged the Skitty, who purred to try and offer the girl consolation.

[Wiz: Well, determined to meet her hero face to face, Amy decided the best option was to... learn how to read tarot cards. Of course.]

"Tch... Fortune tellers... I can't believe I ever fell for those scams..." Parasoul groaned.

"YOU let yourself get scammed? Ha! Must have been an off day for you, huh, princess?" Valentine teased.

"Make no mistake. Some truly do know what they're talking about." Squigly said with a smile.

[Boomstick: Hey, the lady at the fair never let me down.]

"Oh wow, he's real dumb if he gets his fortune telling from the freaking fair." Peacock muttered.

"Our fortune teller is great..." Cerebella muttered.

[Wiz: After lots of practice, one reading finally predicted she would meet the blue blur on the mysterious Little Planet.]

"...Wow, she's kinda creepy." Umbrella sighed.

"I see nothing creepy about wanting to meet one's heroes." Squigly replied with a tilted head.

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