Goomba vs Koopa Troopa

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Wiz: The Goombas used to be steadfast allies of the Mushroom Kingdom. After years of oppression due to their low intelligence and short stature, they betrayed their own mushroom brethren and became the backbone of Bowser's vast army.

Parasoul growled "And the humans wonder why I was so unequivocal about equal rights when I assumed the throne."

Nadia looked at the sovereign of Canopy "I thought that was political pressure."

Umbrella pouted. "And I thought it was because racism is stupid. Who cares if Nadia has kitty ears or Squigly's blue or Filia's hair is a jerk? They're still people, aren't they?"

Parasoul beamed with pride. "Your strong morality is your best feature, sis."

Boomstick: The Goomba's main combat strategy is just to walk directly into its opponents. While this isn't the smartest thing to do, it takes some real "spores" if you know what I'm saying.

Painwheel scowled as she destroyed a Boomstick plushy. The living weapon's voice came in a growl "That joke made the pain come back."

Valentine rolled her eyes. "These things really are jokes..."

Boomstick: Plus, they also have these vampire fangs, but they don't ever seem to use them, and... thinking about it, why does a mushroom even have a mouth?

Annie commented "Could be that they aren't actually teeth."

Big Band looked at her oddly "Seriously? That's what you come up with."

Wiz: When available, the Goomba will use the green Goomba's Shoe to get the jump on its foes, easily able to hop over twelve feet in the air.

Nadia was taking notes for her future comedy routine, Painwheel destroyed another Skull Heart replica, and Eliza just blinked.

"A large boot is one of their weapons?" She questioned. "Seems rather odd in my eyes..."

"Please, don't act like you've never stepped on anybody," Cerebella rolled her eyes.

"I have, but that's besides the point."

Wiz: Goombas can also sprout wings, becoming Paragoombas, capable of barely sustained flight.

Parasoul grimaced "And now they are making lame puns about airborne infantry. Excuse me, host? Could I get something to vent on like Painwheel did?"

"In between shows I'll put in a shooting range." The God of unemployment offered.


Boomstick: And when flying, the mushroom thing can bomb victims below with Micro-Goombas. You know you're a badass when you throw babies as weapons!

Beowulf muttered "Bastard..." He wasn't a parent himself, but he understood precisely the sort of brainless abuser it took to pull that manner of nonsense.

Peacock and Marie, who'd been abandoned by their families couldn't help but agree.

Even Eliza drew the line at using babies as weapons, if only because they had potential to grow into great servants.

Wiz: The traditional Goomba may seem a useless pawn, but these troopers have been know to accomplish the impossible.

Annie enquired "Do you suppose achievement in ignorance is a law of that world"

Squigly commented "No weirder than what goes on around here."

As she said this, she shot Cerebella a subtle glance out of the corner of her eye. The girl was truly ignorant to her family's true nature, and it allowed her to do such cruel things she'd never do without their influence...

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