Ultron vs Sigma

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Author's Note: Thank you to all of you who watched Killua vs Misaka at my behest! Let's try and keep it up, okay? All it takes is watching the video for thirty seconds to count as a view. So what do you say we try and get the views up to one million before the fifth episode of the season comes out in two weeks? Thank you in advance, you're awesome!

[Wiz: Humans fear what they don't understand, especially when it comes to the infinite potential of artificial intelligence.]

"Ah, robots. Always hard to predict what they're gonna do." Nadia chuckled.

"Animatronics creep me out." Annie shuddered.

"Ugh... I always hated robots, I trust 'em about as far as I can throw 'em." Samson groaned.

"If we advance too far, we're gonna be taken over, I swear." Beowulf sighed.

"Perhaps if treated kindly, they could grow to be benevolent." Marie suggested.

"I never truly understood technology. It seems so...complex." Squigly murmured.

"I refuse to use robots in the Egrets because I fear them turning on us... The labs always asked the family to incorporate them..." Parasoul sighed.

[Boomstick: Like Ultron, Marvel's mechanical mass murderer.

Wiz: And Sigma, the general of genocide from Mega Man X.]

"So they're both assholes?" Carol surmised.

"...How many have they slaughtered?" Marie asked with a wince.

"Why can't robots just be nice? Why can't they be friends with us? Why do they have to take over the world? I wanna be their friend!" Umbrella exclaimed. Robo-Fortune, who was reading, felt her heart grow three sizes that day. She no longer wanted to take over the world if she could have a friend like little Umbrella.

Annie sighed. "Machines just can't be trusted to do the right thing. They're a risk that shouldn't be taken."

"Aw come on, Annie, there was Mega Man, and Astro Boy, and Zero!" Beowulf reminded. Annie blinked, then shrugged.

"Oh yeah, they mentioned Sigma in Zero's rundown, he used to be a good guy..." Nadia muttered.

"Yeah, something FORCED him to be a bad guy." Cerebella remembered.

"Hmm... I should say Sigma is more immaculately designed than Ultron. Ultron looks rather like... a frame rather than a complete product." Squigly murmured.

"...Do they hate humans?" Filia asked sadly. "I like robots, why can't they like me?"

[Wiz: Hank Pym was a founding member of the Avengers, the creator of the revolutionary Pym Particles, and designated Scientist Supreme by Eternity. He was also the quote-unquote "father" of one of the greatest mass murderers in the universe.

Boomstick: Guess which one he's most remembered for?]

"It's a tragedy that good men must be remembered for their mistakes." Parasoul sighed.

"How monstrous was his creation if it overshadowed such amazing deeds?" Mariw wondered.

"Sometimes one mistake is all it takes." Ben sighed.

"So some nerd was pallin' around with Cap, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor, huh? Had to have had an IQ of like six billion!" Peacock exclaimed.

"Pym Particles? Ha! Named it after himself? Must have really wanted his name out there!" Nadia laughed.

[Wiz: Eager to push the boundaries of science, Hank constructed an artificial intelligence which could learn and evolve on its own, modeling it on his own brain patterns.]

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