Chuck Norris vs Segata Sanshiro

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Wiz: Tall tales of superhuman feats have existed for as long as man has been telling stories... and today, we pit the greatest of these legends in a clash of East meets West.

"Ah, memefights... Death Battle sure does 'em better than Cartoon Fight Club!" Deadpopl chuckled.

"Heheheh... Ah, good old memes..." Nadia snickered.

[Boomstick: Chuck Norris... no real introduction needed.

Wiz: And Segata Sanshiro, defender of the Sega Saturn... of all things.]

"His name starts with Sega and he defends the SEGA saturn. Clever." Annie snarked.

"Meh. That's what product mascots do." Peacock shrugged.

[Boomstick: In ancient China, there was a legend that one day a child would be born from a dragon and vanquish evil from the land. That man... is NOT Chuck Norris, because Chuck Norris killed that man!]

"What? But why would he do that? That's awful!" Squigly said.

"Probably to take his place, I dunno." Beowulf shrugged.

[Wiz: Carlos Ray Norris, yes, that's his real name, was born into to a humble Oklahoma family in 1940. A loner, mediocre student and all-around physically-unintimidating pacifist, his childhood was... pitiful.]

"Must have undergone serious training to become the legend he apparently is today." Ben mused.

"Yeah, we had some egrets that used to be total dorks until they finished their training! Then they were awesome!" Umbrella chirped.

[Boomstick: That is, until he answered the call of his country, joined the United States military, and began training in martial arts. From the day he threw his first punch, his life was changed forever.]

"Hmm... I suppose his military must have seen something special in this frail man if they let him in..." Parasoul murmured.

"Sometimes the most unremarkable of people can prove to be something truly great." Marie chipped in.

[Wiz: Turns out, Chuck is unnaturally gifted in the ways of violence. After his military career, he wandered America for 10 years battling in martial arts competitions. He racked up 183 victories, held the Professional Middleweight Karate Championship title for 6 years, AND became the 1st westerner in the history of Taekwondo to earn the 8th degree black belt.]

"Good for him, finding his calling!" Beowulf said, happy for a fellow fighter.

"Hmph. He could have aspired for more than a sport made for mindless brutes." Eliza huffed.

"Bitch, don't act like you never get your hands dirty. Pretty sure you're top tier." Deadpool said with his arms crossed.

"For your information, I only get involved when necesarry." Eliza huffed.

[Boomstick: But he didn't stop there. Chuck achieved black belt status in 5 additional disciplines: Tang Soo Do, Karate, Brazilian Jujitsu, Judo, and even one he created... CHUCK KWON DO.]

"Wait... This guy actually founded a style of his own? Only the best of the best can manage that!" Annie's eyes were trying to bulge out of her head.

"Oh man, I am loving this guy!" Beowulf cheered. "He worked his butt off and it all paid off!"

[Wiz: Close, it's actually Chun Kuk Do, or "Universal Way". Where Chuck harnesses the powers of the universe to achieve superhuman feats.]

That got Valentibe's undivided attention. "And just what does that entail?"

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