Gaara vs Toph

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[Wiz: Throughout Death Battle, we've seen all manner of weapons and abilities, but these two combatants command the very Earth around them.]

"Battle of the terraformers... Interesting..." Annie mused.

"Bit of a rocky start if ya ask me." Nadia dodged Carol's thrown tomato.

[Boomstick: Gaara, of the Desert.

Wiz: And Toph Beifong, the Blind Bandit.]

"She's actually blind, I assume?" Valentine asked.

"Of course... Just look at her eyes." Marie replied. "How does she see then?"

[Wiz: Gaara of the Desert is a short, skinny, pale, stick of a kid, but he's also one of the deadliest shinobi in the world.]

"Ninjas... How very quaint." Eliza sneered.

"Hey, don't knock the ninjas, they're way cooler than you and your ugly bone cat thingy and your naaty blood powers and your dumb smug face." Deadpool replied. Eliza just huffed.

"That odd thing on his back must make his ninja work difficult... It's so cumbersome..."Squigly noted.

[Boomstick: He looks like a member of Green Day.]

Beowulf weighed in with "Oh, must be one of those new lite-metal bands that are picking up steam these days!"

"Those dark rings around his eyes... Does he even sleep?" Marie asked.

[Wiz: Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage, leader of the village hidden in the sand. Born prematurely at the cost of his mother's life, Gaara was destined for a childhood of depression and loneliness from the get-go.]

"Tch... The ways some people will discriminate against others..." Leviathan grumbled.

"Seriously, what is the social stigma against orphans?!' Peacock exclaimed.

[Boomstick: Not even a minute old and already has a kill under his belt. Though, technically he had a little help. Because, you he was being born, his father was like, "Hey! You know what would be awesome? Using ninja magic to seal a horrible monster in my son's belly to turn him into an ultimate weapon!"']

Marie narrowed her eyes and glared darkly at the screen, squeezing her armrest so hard it broke. Carol was no better, hugging her knees and narrowing her eyes. Peacock shook her head. "Yeesh. Why put that thing in a baby? How's it supposed to fight it anyway?"

[Gaara lets out an agonizing scream of rage and anguish, his sand erupting all around him.]

Cerebella gasped. He looked so much younger... This was not an expression any child should have... They were supposed to be happy and laughing and having a good time...

Samson sighed. "Damn... Kid's been screwed up..."

[Wiz: The process was successful, and Gaara became a jinchūriki: human beings who have powerful tailed beasts trapped within them. Gaara's beast was Shukaku, a giant tanuki with power over sand.]

"It's like the skull heart was fully weaponized." Parasoul breathed.

"Yet somehow I get the sense that it's worse..." Samson grunted.

B[oomstick: Aww, I want a tanuki as a pet. They're so fluffy and adorable, you just wanna hu-- (Shukaku appears) HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT!?]

"Looks like some kind of deformed, overfed tom cat." Nadia said quietly.

"It's a little cute..." Carol murmured softly. Several people stared at her, causing her to shrink in on herself shyly.

[Wiz: Shukaku loathed humanity, and at first, Gaara had difficulty controlling the monster's rage, accidentally hurting others.]

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