Godzilla vs Gamera

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[Wiz: Kaiju: the Japanese word for-

Boomstick: A giant monster that destroys everything around it!]

"So that's the word for those awesome big monster movies." Umbrella muttered in awe.

"Ah, who doesn't love a good kaiju flick? I'm a big fan of King Gadonga myself."

[Boomstick: Like Godzilla, the King of the Monsters.

Wiz: And Gamera, the Guardian of the Universe. Despite being box office rivals for half a century, these two enormous creatures have never met... until today.]

"Well that's weird. Big name blockbuster flicks with similar themes are made for these kinds of crossovers. What a waste." Annie observed.

"Eh, licensing issues. They happen all the time." Ben replied.

[Wiz: The year was 1954, less than a decade after Little Boy and Fatman had decimated Japan.]

"What is it with these ridiculous weapon names? Whatever happened to simply assigning each one a number and being done with it?" Valentine asked in confusion. Carol gave her an annoyed look. "Painwheel was Brain Drain's idea, not mine."

[Boomstick: The nuclear age had begun.

Wiz: As the United States tested their shiny new hydrogen bombs across the Pacific, one of them woke something up.

(*Godzilla roars*)]

"Hmph. I'd get angry too if someone disturbed my beauty sleep so they could test their meager weapons." Eliza huffed.

Peacock cringed as Ben narrowed his eyes at her. "So I sleep like a brick... And... hit a little when people try to wake me up..."

"Kid, we spent three hours trying to pull Hive out of a wall because you threw a bomb at her in your sleep." Ben said flatly.

[Boomstick: Godzilla, the radioactive rampaging savior/destroyer of Japan.]

"What? How is he both?!" Marie asked in alarm.

"Must have had a change of heart at some point. Or he constantly flip flops." Ben said flatly.

[Wiz: Mutated by nuclear energy, Godzilla stands over 300 feet tall and weighs 90 thousand tons. He is an unstoppable force of nature.

Boomstick: And for some reason, Godzilla has made Japan his personal playground and has been stomping through it for 60 years.]

"Well, looks like the enforcement's got their work cut out for 'em." Ben noted. He did not fancy the idea of always having to fight a giant monster like that...

"So Japan has its own constant source of terror and destruction to deal with..." Valentine groaned, rubbing her forehead.

[Man: Couldn't he have picked on some other country?

Boardroom: *laughs*]

"Well, of course he'd want to attack the ones that disturbed him. They were the ones that made him their enemy." Eliza huffed. She had wiped out entire civilizations for less than what they'd done to Godzilla.

"Indeed... This monster and I have much in common." Marie said softly.

[Wiz: Godzilla's radioactive mutation leaves everything in his wake contaminated: water, plants, even people. Godzilla's presence alone turns a city block completely uninhabitable.]

Marie shivered. She knew that the skullheart had the potential to have the same effect. It would increase the temperature to boiling point if she got too angry. That was why she had to maintain her composure at all times.

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