The Meta vs Carolina

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[Vic: "Who would win in a fight?" Now, if that's not the most popular question asked around Project Freelancer, I don't know what is. Oh! No, wait--it'd probably be "Hey, where do these AI keep coming from?" or "Have you noticed that we're looking pretty evil lately?" Anyway, there's been plenty of action-packed punch-outs and kick-ass karate matches over the years, but we never really saw a match-up between two of our heaviest hitters: Carolina and the Meta. Let's see if we can do something about that.

The words "Meta vs. Carolina: Dawn of Awesome" float into frame.]

"...Wut." Samson asked eloquently.

"Hmm... Seems to be a special kind of episode. Perhaps a collaboration of some sort..." Parasoul murmured.

[Cut to Valhalla, where Grif and Simmons are seen standing at Red base.]

"Mr. Wilson, would you identify these new faces as they appear?" Parasoul asked.

"Gladly! We got Grif, the guy in orange who is a lazy fatass that loves to eat, and Simmons, the guy in red who's a nerdy kiss-ass!" Deadpool replied.

"...I believe Adam complained about two men on his squad like that." Parasoul murmured.

[Grif: Hey.

Simmons: Yeah?

Grif: You ever wonder... who'd win in a fight between Carolina and the Meta?

Simmons: Pfft, no! Only hopeless nerds on the Internet care about that kind of crap.

Grif: Uh, yeah. Why do you think I'm asking you?]

"Ooh, been a good few months since I heard a burn like that!" Nadia giggled.

Valentine smiled fondly. She often had those kinds of exchanges with Patty...

[Grif: Come on, picture it. It'd be totally bad-ass!

Simmons: Well, yeah, I'd guess... Carolina would definitely win though.

Grif: Bullshit! You're just picking her because you're scared of girls!]

"A man scared of women? Now I have heard everything." Leviathan muttered.

"Some laugh, but I knew a man like that... Wife hurt him in every way imagineable, turned it all around on him, no one believed his story because of gender norms, and his life was basically over at that point. He never loved again... And every time a woman raises a hand for any reason, he flinches." Valentine said softly, closing her eye.

[Grif: Meta's WAY scarier. He threw a Warthog at me!]

"Warthog some kind of car?" Carol guessed.

"Pfft! I could probably do the same thing!" Cerebella snorted.

[Simmons: Oh, I didn't realize "scariness" was the deciding factor in a fight to the fucking death! Genius!]

"Intimidation is still a very useful assett." Marie mused.

"Indeed, an unnerved opponent is an opponent that is unable to focus." Parasoul nodded.

[Caboose: Hey Reds! What are you talking about?]

"Huh. Sounds like the resident moron. Heh... Always a pleasure." Peacock commented.

Marie smiled. Whenever she and Patricia watched cartoons, she always had a fondness for the characters of lesser intelligence.

[Simmons: Oh, Grif was just asking what would happen if Carolina and Meta fought.

Caboose: Fought who?

Simmons: One another.

Caboose: Another who?

Simmons: What?!

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