Yoshi vs Riptor

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[Boomstick: Who doesn't like dinosaurs? No one, cause they're awesome?]

Samson piped up, glaring at Leviathan "I don't." Leviathan bristled with a stern glare.

"Samson, be nice." Filia scolded.

[Wiz: Like Yoshi, Mario's happy-go-lucky steed.

Boomstick: And Riptor, the Dino Warrior with a killer instinct.]

Umbrella groaned "This is gonna end badly for the cute one, I just know it "

Parasoul just hugged her sister.

Cerebella smirked. "Don't underestimate cute, kid. It can be pretty dang tough. Heh... My friend Feng's a good example."

[Wiz: Yoshi is a cheerful and friendly dinosaur who's race happens to be among Bowser's most hated enemies. Why?

Boomstick: 'Cause they're so God damn happy all the time!]

Peacock sighed "Some people just can't tolerate joy."

Marie glared at Cerebella "Like the Medici."

Cerebella snarled. "Just shut it, alright?! Quit badmouthing my family! All of you!"

"Frankly, my dear, you may as well be requesting that the sun itself stop shining." Leviathan snarled.

[Wiz: Yoshi is considered one of the fastest characters in the Mario universe and has a higher and stronger jump than Mario. Despite his cute and cheery demeaner, Yoshi's powerful enough to put down this goliath single-handedly.

[Screen shows Yoshi fighting off a giant turtle monster that towers over the very mountains in the background]]

Samson whistled "That's one tough lizard."

Leviathan nodded. "And a very unassuming one at that."

"Damn, look at the size of that big lug! Not half bad for a cutesy half-pint." Peacock conceded.

[Wiz: He's able to keep up with experienced fighters like Solid Snake, Link, and even previous Death Battle champion, Samus Aran.]

Annie lost her cool "That's it! I'm calling shenanigans!"

Beowulf patted her on the shoulder.

Parasoul tilted her head. "Annie... You of all people should understand that looks can be deceiving." Annie just grumbled.

[Boomstick: And either he doesn't have any ears or he's really freaken' patient, 'cause he somehow put up with that whiny-ass Baby Mario!

The screen shows a crying infant trapped in a bubble]

Umbrella pointed out "Wouldn't the bubble muffle the crying?"

Valentine offered "Evidently, it's not soundproof."

Nadia winced and covered her ears. "Wish it would though... That sound's grating on the old earlobes..."

[Boomstick: If it were me, someone would've found him in a dumpster after the first level.]

Painwheel, knowing the pain of abandonment, growled "If I ever meet Boomstick he's dead."

Somebody snapped their fingers and an effigy of Boomstick appeared. After Painwheel destroyed it, Filia administered a cool down hug.

[Boomstick: Also ,while young Yoshis are dumb enough to run off cliffs, they learn quickly over time, eventually driving go-karts, playing sports and surviving the greatest death trap ever created: Mario Party!]

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