Chapter 32 - The Distance

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Stephanie helped Ayla to take off her shirt but pressed her shirt onto her chest to cover her body a little as the officer took pictures of her injured upper back which was the worst of all. There were deeper scratch marks on her upper back than anywhere other. He took pictures of her bruised little arms that were mostly bruised on her shoulders. 

"Are those all?" Officer Lucy asked.

Ayla looked at Officer Lucy and Stephanie alternately, hoping they'd understand that there are more but they didn't seem to understand.

"There- there are more on...." Ayla trailed off, looking at Taker and Hunter before looking at Officer Lucy.

"Oh, uh, gentlemen, would you mind waiting outside? Jason, could you take them outside as well? I'll take care of the rest" Officer Lucy said, Ayla sigh in relief that she understood.

The hurt look on Hunter's face hurts Ayla more as she watched Officer Jason escort Hunter and Taker out of the room. 

"Alright, show me the other bruises, Miss Helmsley, and don't worry, they're highly confidential" Officer Lucy said. "You're okay with these, right, Miss Helmsley?"

Ayla nodded, not able to form her words. She showed Officer Lucy all her bruises with Stephanie's help. Ayla was trying her best to control her emotions and stay strong in front of her mother who doesn't seem to be able to see her injuries. Ayla tried her best to console her mother who wouldn't stop crying each time she reveals a new bruise to the officer. 

"Alright, thank you for your cooperation, Miss Helmsley. Now we need a statement from you of what exactly happened the other day. I get that you were concussed the other day and that you're having memory problems. I need you to lay out as much details as you can from the incident the other day, okay?" Officer Lucy said to which Ayla nodded.

Hunter on the outside was hearing each and everything that Ayla was saying. He leaned against the wall, ignoring Taker and Officer Jason's chatter as he paid attention to what was happening in the room. He heard each and every word from her loud and clear. Each time she spoke, his heart felt like being stabbed by a hundred knives at the same time. He just couldn't imagine what kind of pain she must be in. He couldn't imagine how scared she must've been at that time. 

"I guess my daddy was looking for me and he heard my voice calling for him. I heard my dad yell 'get off her' and that was it. Kyle ran away before my dad could get to him. And the last thing I remember was my dad calling for security and he said I got you. That's all I remember. My daddy was the one who rescued me. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would've happened to me by now" Ayla said, wiping of a stroll of tear on her cheek, putting on the brightest smile at the thought of Hunter.

"You must really adore your daddy?" Officer Lucy said. She noticed how Ayla's eyes glowed when she talked about Hunter.

"I adore him a lot. He's my hero. I adore him the same way I adore my mom too. If it weren't for my mom's instinct, I probably wouldn't have been here today either. I owe them both everything" Ayla smiled, tightening her hug around Stephanie as she laid her head on Stephanie's shoulders.

"You don't owe us anything, honey. That's what families are for" Stephanie kissed the top of her head. 

"You're very strong, Miss Helmsley. And you're really lucky to have them both as your parents" Officer Lucy smiled. She was really amused of how strong Ayla was and how she could still smile even after what had happened. 

"I think its the other way around, Officer." Stephanie joked, smiling through her tears.

Officer Lucy and Ayla let out a slight chuckle. 

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