Chapter 66: Unhinged And Unfiltered

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"So, you admit that your love for your mate may be stronger than your love for your former lover?" Demien tries to pry. 

"No. That's not what I'm saying at all." 

"But darling, did you not just admit how your heart was yearning for him?"

I try to turn my head around, the silence from Scorpius so deafening that I can't think of anything else. I just want to get a look at his face so I know what he's feeling. I dip my chin to my chest, attempting to catch a glance of Scorpius from the corner of my eye.

"If you look at him, he dies." Demien hisses. "Is that what you want? For him to perish before the end of our conversation?" 

Snapping my head back up, I scoot closer to the throne on my knees, making sure my eyes are on Demien and Demien only. 

"Sorry." I mutter. 

Demien shrugs but the action looks forced, as if he's attempting to appear nonchalant. "I can't fault you completely for trying to go against the rules. You haven't been trained well enough to know how important they are. And it's obvious you rebel more than you listen."

His eyes flicker to someone behind me. The rattling of chains hitting the floor draws my attention but I don't move. I watch Demien's expression, the same bored look painting his smooth face, though his eyes darken. What was going on? 


His red and black eyes settle back on me, softening as they take me in. "Yes, my little Luniod?"

"Why are you so interested in my feelings?"

"Has this discussion of ours taken a turn? Am I the one being questioned now?" he asks, amusement in his voice. 

"No, I was just wondering before we kept going. I wanted to know why me?" 

"I just wanted to see what it was like from another perspective." He looks up at the ceiling. "As you've unfortunately been informed, my soul tie at the time chose not to fulfill her duties by being claimed as mine. Your situations are quite similar, don't you think? It also helps that you come from the same bloodline, therefore I'm trying to see what was running through her mind when she handpicked that filthy Airlie instead of the royalty you see before you."

His gaze darkens again as he looks at another area of the room. Was he looking at Estella? "You had the opportunity to spend your lifetime with your Pharon mate, regardless of who your heart belonged to before. And yet you went against the grain, creating this plan and ultimately putting yourself and the others in danger. You were willing to sacrifice the life of a Pharon you had no information of just so you could be with someone who wasn't fated to you. 

I can't lie, Ms. Corai, it doesn't make much sense to me. I tried to understand Faye's point of view, I hope you believe me when I say that. I let those silly thoughts of hers run through my mind even after she left, and where did that get me?" his voice is beginning to rise, his toes next to me lighting beneath his skin. 

"It got me nowhere. It wasted my time being plagued with such revolting thoughts. How could she have thought someone who meant nothing was a better choice for her?" His eyes start to shake, the fire growing up his thighs as his fingertips begin to ignite. Before he has a chance to continue, all his arms are glowing. Slowly, I shift my weight back trying to give myself distance from him. But when those trembling irises land back on me, I freeze. 

"Her death wasn't enough. She haunted me every second of every hour. I witnessed the pity in everyones faces once information of her betrayal became known. She may have been gone, but I was the one who was suffering." The fire spreads across his chest while his veins throb uncontrollably. His eyes vibrate so much that it's impossible for him to be looking at me. I'm not sure his vision is even focused. 

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