Chapter 59: The Plan Put In Motion

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"Do you love him?" Estella asks, the question stabbing me in the chest.

I don't know how to answer that. I've asked myself that question over and over for a long time now. Since the moment Scorpius confessed his feelings to me on that ship. Since we moved into our new home together. And when I let him have me completely. I threw the question around but never came up with an answer.

"I'm not sure yet." I say, honestly. Estella smirks and this is the closest to a smile that she's given me. It kind of creeps me out.

"Are you just saying that because you think it'll make Seren happy?"

I stay quiet. Maybe I did know the answer, but I was too afraid if I said it out loud that I'd lose one of them.

"You know it's possible to be in love with more than one person. Trust me, I've seen it." she tells me.

"Are you saying Seren is in love with you?" Please, say no.

"That's not what I'm saying, but wouldn't that be something." she clears her throat. "Do you know if he loves you?"

I didn't know the response to that either. A lot of signs pointed to the answer being 'yes'. I think of that hole he told me I was filling inside of him. How I memorized every inch of him when I thought Seren gave up on me. How open and vulnerable he could be around me. But I still couldn't confidently say he was in love.

"We're wasting time. How are we going to get them out?"

Estella laughs, standing up and shaking the dirt off her wings. "Nice change of subject."

I stand too, looking towards the still water and feeling something ominous. In the short time I'd been on Xoven, all the wonderful dreams I thought I would have here have now become nightmares. I think I had a better time on Ocura than I did here.

"First things first, we have to find where they are." I say. Estella shakes her head, pointing to the far end of the water.

"We already know where they are. You said Demien wanted you, right? The only place they could be is with him, where the royals reside. There's three buildings all the way in the deepest part of Xoven where the entire Crypt family lives. One building holds their security, the other holds the prisons, and the last one is where the Crypt's stay. If Demien gave a personal order to find you, there's no chance Seren and your mate would be where all the other prisoners are. He'd probably keep them as close to him as possible."

"Because he knows I'm coming for them and he wants to be the one to catch me." I state.

"Exactly. But we're not going to let him catch you. Or me, for that matter."

"How are we going to get in? There's no way that place isn't heavily guarded at all times. And the guards look insanely strong."

Estella squats down and dips her wing into the water, creating a ripple against the stillness. "Well you obviously can't fight." she tells me. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms in frustration.

"Are you just going to keep insulting me every chance you get?"

"I wasn't, I was just stating the facts. You can't fight, but I know you're fast. Seren told me you both used to run through the trees back home. She also said you're pretty good with your tail, but I assume that's just a Luniod thing." Estella says, standing up straight again.

"We're going to have to swim there. We can't risk using a ship to travel and getting spotted." she continues.

"How do you know so much?" I can't help feeling a little on edge. Wasn't it odd that Estella had all this information about where the royal family stayed, and where their prisons were? Would it be weird to be suspicious of her?

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