Chapter 40: Unwanted Cravings

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Scorpius spins us both around and shoves me away from him. I hit the middle of the bed, the air rushing out of me as I try to scramble up on my knees. His body falls on top of me, his hand back over my mouth as he pins my legs underneath him. We've been here before, on this bed like this. But the look in his eyes is different. There's anger behind them and something else.

He throws my hands over my head and lets go of my mouth. I feel him wrap something around them. Moving my head back so I can see, I struggle under his grip. At some point he ripped what looks like a piece of his shirt and is using that to bind my wrists in place. I try to tug free, panicking before I notice my mouth is uncovered.

"Scor-" I start to say. He quickly moves his head down towards me and pushes his mouth onto mine. My head spins. Is he kissing me? My stomach does a thousand flips and I forget I need to get out of his grip. All I can focus on is his warm lips laying on top of mine.

His tongue caresses my top lip and then works its way to the bottom. He pushes his full lips on mine again, watching me through the slits of his eyes. The fire in his skin hasn't faded. If anything it seems more intense than before. Wasn't he supposed to be controlling his breathing to get his emotions in check?

My thoughts are a whirlwind of things. Why was he kissing me? Why did I stop fighting him? Why was there a deep wetness in between my legs from this? How could I get him off of me?

He leans into me, deepening the kiss and those thoughts are immediately pushed to the back of my mind. My heart races when he stops to stare at me. I should say something. I need to say his name right now so I can gain control again.

"Lynx." his husky voice breathes and that's it, I've lost everything.

My hips push themselves up, my back arching against the soft sheets. I open my mouth and the smile he gives me makes me want to light this bed on fire. I hate it and I love it all at once. How can he do this to me?

"Come here, Lynx." he dips his lips down and I frantically push my head up so I can reach them. We both let out a moan, our breath mixing in each others mouth. The feeling is intoxicating. I wriggle my wrists in his hand so I can wrap my arms around his neck but he refuses to let go.

I can feel his kiss not only on my mouth but deep inside my stomach. I feel it in every cell of my body. My head is swimming in his kiss, in his touch, I almost feel like I'm drowning. His tongue rubs against mine. The saliva that always builds when he says my name pushes its way against his lips and down the side of my mouth.

Scorpius watches it drip down, meeting it at my chin and licks its back up pressing his warm lips back on mine. His tongue melts into my mouth, searching and craving me just the way I crave him. It's like he's breathing me in, soaking up every part of me.

He moves his knees from pinning me and I take the freedom to open my legs. He fits himself perfectly in between them. When he places his hips completely down, the hardness in his pants brushes up between my thighs and I almost whimper. The feeling is something foreign but so pleasurable. I shift my hips forward to feel more of him and his eyes roll back.

"I hate that you get me like this." he whispers against my mouth. The feeling is mutual in more ways than one. He could stop this if he really wanted to. We could both end it right now and walk away, never mentioning this again. But the gleam in his eyes and the turning of my stomach tells me this isn't going to come to an end anytime soon.

He grinds against me, the hardness in his pants grazing my throbbing middle causing me to moan. I want him now. I want this to end. There's too many emotions going through me and I don't know which one I can trust anymore. They're mixing together in this fog of lust and hate. The only thing real is Scorpius.

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