Chapter 49: A Thousand Splendid Kisses

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The ascend up the stairs feels like it goes on forever. At one point I don't think we're going to actually make it anywhere. Finally, when we reach the top, my lungs bursting from all the climbing, the guard opens the door to a long hallway. I deflate thinking about how long we would have to walk just to get to our home. Thankfully, the distance isn't as long as I dreaded.

"This is your new home. Place the hand that holds your golden thread on the door and it will open for you, no one else." The guard tells us. Scorpius and I do as she says, the door humming underneath our touch. After a small click, the door pushes itself open.

"Thank you." I say to her. She just stares at me, her lips pursed once again. What is her problem?

She turns away, preparing to walk down the lengthy hallway. "See you soon, Lynx Corai." she throws over her shoulder but she doesn't so much as glance at me. Swiftly, she trudges away. The knot in my stomach tightens as I watch her. Maybe I was overthinking it but the way she parted almost sounds like a threat instead of a casual goodbye.

Scorpius grabs my wrist bringing my focus back to him.

"Come." he says, dragging me inside. He closes the door behind us. My eyes scan the room, trying to make sense of what I'm looking at. This place is large, way bigger than anything I imagined we would get on Xoven. The high ceilings match the same ones on the ledge, mimicking Thysus' residence.

Across the large room touching from the floor to the ceilings are clear windows. It almost feels like I'm still outside in the water, that's how clear it is. I guess for privacy reasons the glass on the outside is black. I stride across the shiny navy floor, the exact color of the armor the guard had worn. Was that because we were on the blue side of Xoven?

An aquamarine couch the length of three people sits in the middle of the room. Across from that is a flower shaped table, another shade of blue. I go to touch the couch, the material like silk petals underneath my fingertips. I gasp when I see glitter appear under the area I just felt. I rub the rest of it and the entire couch sparkles. I look back at Scorpius, a smirk on his lips as he watches me.

He leans against a large table, the ridged material sort of resembling a seashell. The color of it matches the dark floors. In the middle of the table sits flowers, the same flowers in the field above us. The chairs surrounding the table look just as soft as the couch. I walk over to them and run a hand over one, smiling at the sparkles that come to life and dance in the light.

"This is all for us?" I ask to no one in particular. I spin around heading for a door that sits on the wall across from the couch. Pushing it open, I look at the huge bed placed in the middle of the room. The light blue sheets and cyan pillows shine in the dim light. A golden fire has been lit and the flames dance in the bricked hole it sits in against the wall. Behind the bed is a wall of flowers, every shade picked from outside and put down here to decorate the room.

A rug of dark gold lays underneath the bed and I walk to it, feeling it underneath my bare feet. Oddly, the material is warm.

Scorpius runs his fingers on my hips, spinning me around. The air from my lungs leave when I notice how close he's standing to me. With my heart fluttering against my ribcage, I look at him, his eyes glittering just like the couch out there.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, my words shaking a little. His warm fingertips trail their way up my back, settling until his hands find my neck.

"I thought I lost you."

"I know and I apologize. As you can see, nothing happened to me."

His thumb pushes my chin up, our lips merely inches away.

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