Chapter 26: A Name For A Promise

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My chest rises and falls rapidly against Ogmellos' arm, his hand still covering my mouth. I try to turn my head down the hall where I came from but his strength is too much. All I can do is stare up at this large man holding me against the wall.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asks me. For obvious reasons I don't answer, but I'm not sure I would've answered him anyway. I just watch his mouth turn up into a sinister grin, his expression almost horrifying.

"If we don't move for long enough, the orbs will go out. They light on motion so if we stay very still, we'll be in complete darkness." his smile widens. "Are you afraid of the dark my little guppy?"

I wasn't afraid of the dark but I was afraid of him. And he knew that from the way I was trembling underneath him.

"I suppose we're about to find out." he says. Ogmellos turns his head to the side, watching as a row of orbs go out. There's no way for me not to start panicking. A whimper escapes me against Ogmellos' palm, tears forming at the corner of my eyes. This only excites him more.

Another row of orbs disappear making the entire right side of the hall pitch black. The only source of illumination is the last two lit orbs against the wall down to the left. The same path Ogmellos had just come down.

Inch by inch he turns his head to face that way. His movements are so small and calculated I barely notice them. If movement is what kept the orbs on, then I had to do something to make them stay that way. I couldn't just stand here doing nothing while Ogmellos got what he wanted. I had to be stronger than that, especially if I was going to make it out of here alive.

I try to move my tail but it's pinned behind me. All I have left are my legs. I attempt to kick out but Ogmellos anticipates the action, slowly pressing his body deeper into mine. His hips rock roughly against me, pinning me so far into the wall the stones start to dig into my back. It hurts.

I whimper again, now completely motionless. Where in the galaxies was Scorpius? I thought he would be here by now. One of the orbs goes out. I can't stop the tears from falling down my face and onto his fingers. A sob fights to come out but becomes completely muffled.

Ogmellos slowly turns his face to mine, leaning his forehead against my own. He runs his tongue against his top teeth and lets out a little growl. The sound erupts into me making me shake harder out of fear.

This was it wasn't it? This was where it all ended. I barely made it off Ocura before I was about to be killed. The plan I had made with Seren was over, completely shattered and lost of hope. Ogmellos would kill me just like he had done to Scorpius' mother. He would hurt me the same way he did to Caelum. He would take another mate away from someone else.

I would never get to see Seren again or my mother. As much as I didn't love Scorpius, this isn't what I wanted for him either. His mate dying. Him losing another person at the hands of his old best friend. His so-called brother. Ogmellos would never be forgiven for this, but I guess that's something he didn't care about. Forgiveness.

He was broken, a turned villain by a cruel world.

Before the last orb goes out, I stare deeply into those eyes. The eyes of someone shattered ready to break everything around him. I don't find remorse nor do I find a cry for help in his irises. The only thing I see is pain, the pain he has and the pain he's about to give me.

He winks at me and then we're both plunged in darkness. My breathing accelerates, my body shaking uncontrollably underneath his touch. He spreads his fingers apart against my mouth, letting my nervous gasps for air echo throughout the hall.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, with what little room I have to talk.

"Because you interest me."

"Is that any reason to pin me up against a wall and hold me here against my will?"

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