Chapter 29: Every Drop

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We reach a door that isn't red like all the others before. It's hard to see in the darkness surrounding us but it's a deep blue shade. It reminds me of the bottom of our oceans back home. Dark and empty but somehow still comforting. A place where you could just close your eyes and float, never knowing if it's day or night because you're so deep underwater. It makes my heart ache.

"I haven't been here in a long time. Not since..." Scorpius trails off. I reach for his hand and push my fingers through his, holding on so he knows I'm here. He looks down at me and I smile, nodding so he knows there's no rush. He nods back and looks at the big door again.

It's odd seeing this door without chains hanging over it like the others. It almost feels like this door was accidentally put here. And it doesn't look heavy at all. I think I could open it without the help of Scorpius. In my head I contemplate doing just that but then I remember I can't rush this process. I have to wait until Scorpius is ready.

His body is tense, the veins in his knuckles rippling against my skin. I glance at his face and his dark eyes are glistening, almost like he's trying not to cry. The wound in his heart must still be fresh. Or maybe the loss of my father isn't as great as the loss of his mother because I had never met my father.

Scorpius had the chance to hold his mother, laugh with her, hug her when he needed it the most. He had active memories of her. He knew her voice and her favorite food. He knew what she looked like when she was angry or happy or bored. He had all of those things given to him and now it was gone. Snatched away unfairly.

Watching him now, battling internally with his memories and most likely the thought of what was behind that door, I knew this pain wasn't comparable to mine. His pain was a great pain. His loss was just as great. For a moment I wish I could peer into his heart and his mind. Just so I knew what it was he was feeling and what walking around with that burden was like. But mostly, I wish I could take it all way.

I didn't want to erase those memories from him nor did I want him to forget what Ogmellos had done. Those events had made him who he was today and without them he probably would be someone completely different. But I wanted to ease some of the loss. I wanted to take some of the weight that he carried on his shoulders. Even if it was only for a second.

I give his hand a little squeeze. "We don't have to go in if you're not ready." I'd rather go another day being thirsty than have to force him to do something he wasn't ready for.

He squeezes my hand back and then drops it. "Let's go."

Just like I predicted, the door isn't heavy at all. Scorpius uses minimal effort to push it open. The door was probably made lighter than all the others so his mother could open it herself without having to ask anyone to come with her. Especially if Caelum wanted this area to be a secret.

We walk through and my breath gets caught in my throat. I don't see any water just yet but the cave walls around us are glistening. I imagined it would be pitch black in here, but the further I step in the more I'm proven wrong.

Every inch around us is lit up, as if there's a blue light shining against the walls. And for the first time since I've been on this planet, my lungs are filled with clean crisp air. I can feel them expand with every inhale I take.

The walls around us are less jagged than the walls in the halls. Even the floor is cooler and less dirty. I rub my palm against one of the walls and feel the smooth cool stone against my skin. It's like I've been transported to another planet because how could something like this exist on Ocura?

"This way." Scorpius tells me, reaching out his hand for me to grab. "Watch your step."

He jumps down when the floor dips and I grab his hand for him to guide me down without slipping. The floor is now wetter and my skin is already grateful for the little moisture underneath me. I'm also grateful at how clean my feet look already.

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