Chapter 56: Torn Apart

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Seren steps out the bedroom, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Even though she's trying to play like she's nonchalant, the way her tail whips violently back and forth behind her gives her away. Even from this distance I can see the fire burning in her irises as she glares at both of us.

I pat Scorpius on his shoulder to put me down, but the tenseness of his body tells me he'd rather not. Unwrapping my tail from his leg, I tap him again making sure to rub his skin with mine for reassurance. Weird how touching his warmth comforts me so much. I wonder if he feels the same about my cool touch.

"It's okay." I tell him, leaning as close to the glass surrounding his head as I can. "We know each other."

He glances at me from the corner of his eye, the expression on his face unsure and confused. I give him a smile and with a sigh, he gently releases me from his grip. Cautiously, I step down and to the side of him, Seren watching our every movement without blinking.

Scorpius steps in front of me just enough that the back of his arm touches my shoulder. He doesn't move and neither do I. Seren's lip turns up into a sneer as she scoffs, her tail continuing it's aggressive dance.

"What are you doing here?" Scorpius asks her, but her eyes don't move away from me. I notice them peer down at my golden thread and flick to Scorpius's finger.

"So this is him? The infamous mate that your heart and soul now belongs to." she says, her voice thick and raspy with disgust.

"I'm not going to ask you again. Tell me who you are." Scorpius takes a step forward, but I immediately grab his arm.

"Scorpius, please don't. She's not a threat to us, I promise." My breath is so shaky I can barely get the words out. I can hardly hear anything other than my heart banging around in my chest. Scorpius looks down at my hand, my fingers trembling against him.

His brows furrow but he steps back, grabbing my shaking hand in his firm grasp. Lacing our fingers together, he holds me close and focuses his attention back on Seren who still stands there motionless and studying us.

"Us?" she tosses the word out her mouth like she can't even stand to say it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Same as you. I'm trying to figure out what in the galaxies is going on under Demien's rule." her eyes squint over Scorpius. "Although, it looked like something more was about to happen if I hadn't made my presence known."

My cheeks flame. I stare down at my feet, not able to meet Seren's eyes anymore.

"Am I right, Lynx?"

"Don't." I breathe out. "Just stop."

She scoffs and I hear her footsteps as she starts to close the distance between us. "And judging from that bite mark on your neck, I'm guessing you telling me you never fucked him was a lie."

"Don't speak to her like that." Scorpius tells her through gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me how to talk to her! You don't even know her. You think just because you have that stupid golden thread with her name wrapped around your disgusting finger that you have any idea who Lynx is? You think because Thysus said she was yours that that makes it true?" I flinch listening to her.

Scorpius lets out a deep throaty laugh, reminding me of the guy who I first met. He sounds like the old him, the guy with the mask on and his walls up. I hate it. He points at Seren's hand, both our fingers still connected while he does it, and I look up in enough time to see Seren's eyes start to blaze.

"You got a lot of nerve for someone who's in the same position. Whose name do you have on your finger, because I know damn well that it isn't Lynx?" he asks. He lifts his golden finger in the air. "That name belongs to me."

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