Chapter 22: Unanswered Questions

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Scorpius dips his head into the crook of my neck, his fingers tracing small swirls along my chest. There's no doubt in my mind that he can feel my heart banging its way out of my ribcage right now.

"Why does this feel wrong and yet so right at the same time?" he purrs, running his fingertips in between my breasts. I give underneath his touch, my body reacting without any hesitation. The fog in my mind isn't as heavy as before our strings tied, but it's not light enough for me to fight through it either.

I have enough of my mind to know this isn't what I want, but not enough control to do anything about it. A blessing and a curse. For some reason I think about my dad. Then my thoughts quickly shift to Caelum.

Was this the son he raised? Someone who would do whatever he wanted regardless of how it made anyone else feel? A man who obviously has never heard the word no.

As my back arches against Scorpius, my mind races back to Seren. A prick of fear follows the lusted haze I'm in once I imagine how Seren's meeting with her mate will go. She was tougher than me in all aspects but would she be strong enough to resist this?

My stomach sinks. It's possible that she'll go through the same thing I went through once Scorpius and I came in close proximity to each other. What worries me the most is if she'd actually enjoy it. My stomach drops lower, tears trying to force their way out of me. I swallow hard trying to push the thoughts out and focus on Scorpius again.

He rakes his teeth against my neck, nibbling gently once he reaches the collar of my suit. Spinning me around to face him, he places both hands against the wall on each side of my shoulders.

Then he looks at me. His black eyes stare at my blue ones, the contrast so intense it makes me shudder.

Scorpius was my complete opposite in many ways. Now that I thought about it, he was my opposite in almost all ways. From his ego to his physical size, even our homes couldn't compare. But as he stares at me, deep black eyes searching and studying my own, I feel something.

I can't describe exactly what it is I felt, nor could I even remember after this what it was I saw in his onyx colored irises. All I know is in that moment when he turned me around and we were face to face, eyes locked, something changed.

"Your eyes are like oceans." he says looking back and forth between them. His thumb traces my left cheekbone. "Like the water I've always dreamt of seeing."

I almost lean my cheek into his thumb but he pulls it away leaving behind a chill where his touch had been. My head is now almost cleared of the blinding desire that was consuming me before. Yet his voice intrigues me. So does the sad frown painted on his face.

"Have you never seen the ocean before?" I ask. He looks down, his brows furrowing together while he stares at the floor.

"Scor-" He slaps his hand over my mouth.

"Don't. I think I've had enough mindless lust for one night."

And he's right about that. This soul tie thing was becoming more confusing by the second, and the last thing we both needed was to go through it all over again. I could barely wrap my mind around what was going on from one second to the next. I needed a break and so did he.

He pushes away from me, rubbing the back of his neck and sitting on the bed looking somewhat defeated. I don't move. I just watch the wheels in his mind turn, working through whatever he could be thinking about.

"Safe to say Thysus didn't mention this to you when you visited her." I say pointedly.

It bothers me that she failed to tell us something of this magnitude. This seems too huge of a thing to leave out and I feel a little infuriated knowing she knew this would happen. Was this her game? Letting us figure out just how this soul tie thing worked on our own?

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