Chapter 12: Uthoria

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The rest of the trip to Uthoria was silent between me and Barlow. After hearing about what it was like on Xoven, especially the death of his friend, we both needed some time with our thoughts. Every now and then I would glance at him, hoping he wasn't blaming himself for what had happened that day. I didn't know how to comfort him except to give him space.

I needed to think, anyway. I figured the plan Seren and I had come up with wasn't going to be easy, but hearing about Demien Crypt made it seem down right impossible. How was I going to hide from a guy like that? Not only was he dangerous, he sounded like an egotistical tyrant with anger issues. One wrong step and who knows what would happen to me.

How was I supposed to stick a knife in the heart of my mate when Crypt seemed to have eyes everywhere? How were we going to escape? Would I rather be banished to Plut than deal with having my neck sliced open by Crypt? I couldn't imagine Seren getting hurt. I wouldn't allow it.

Demien could do and say whatever he wanted to me, but he would not hurt Seren. That I would make sure of, no matter what I had to do to keep that promise. If I had to take down Crypt myself, I would.

I snort thinking about me attempting to kill a guy like him. Little me who has never fought someone before, taking down a powerful and blood thirsty ruler. It was absurd.

There was no way I would be able to get close to Crypt without one of his guards taking me out. He came from a powerful family and I was basically no one. Who was I to even think I would have the strength, let alone the guts, to kill the ruler of Xoven? Since when did I want to be such a big hero?

I needed to focus on what was important and not let my feelings get the best of me. The only thing I had to worry about was getting to Seren and figuring out the rest once we were back in each others arms. Crypt wasn't an issue. At least, I hoped he wouldn't be.

"We're here." Barlow announces, pulling me out of my thoughts. Looking up I realize we're heading right into what looks like a sun. A bright sun that was surrounded by what seemed like melting clouds. Was it mist?

As we moved closer, the mist started to surround the ship. It covered the entire window so much that I couldn't see through it. All I could see was the light in the background getting brighter the more we moved forward.

"How can you even see through these clouds?" I ask, a small amount of panic in the back of my voice.

"I can't." he replies. "The mist pulls us through. It's Thysus' way of knowing who's coming into Uthoria."

"Like protection?"

"Yeah, although who would be crazy enough to attack a Goddess?"

He was right. Anyone who would do something like that was asking for a one way ticket to Plut. Killing my mate was one thing, but threatening a Goddess? I didn't have that much of a death wish. All the questions I had in my mind immediately vanished when we broke through the clouds.

The planet was exactly as described. Sunlight touched every part of land, so bright that my skin began to tingle. I had to shut my eyes to fight the sting of tears that was coming to the surface. I was expecting my skin to grow hot and pain to start shooting up like it usually had, but I didn't feel any of that. I opened my eyes just a little and looked down at my arms.

The sunlight was definitely on it but for some reason it didn't hurt. Opening my eyes wider I peered through the window, which was now free of mist. Yes, it was bright but as my eyes started to adjust, I realized there was no bite of pain. Was the sunlight on Uthoria different?

"We land there." Barlow points to an area of land that is elevated from the flowing fog on the ground. It was the exact shape of the ship. My heart pounds in my chest. In a few moments I will be face to face with the Goddess of Beginnings, with Thysus. I can't breathe and my hands start to shake in my lap as we prepare to land.

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