Chapter 31: Vicious Words

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'Where could he be?' I think to myself as I whirl around scanning the cave for Scorpius. The only other place I haven't looked is through the tunnel back towards the entrance of this cave. Taking in one last look of this amazing place, I head towards the tunnel.

"Goodbye." I tell the water. Because I want to leave this planet, I'm not one hundred percent sure when I'll return back here. I'm glad I got to experience this little piece of home, even if it's only for a moment.

When I poke my head through the opening of the tunnel, I don't see Scorpius. I figure he's waiting for me by the door outside of the cave so I have no choice but to make my way there.

Pushing the door open, I still don't see him. Where could he have gone? And why would he leave me so suddenly? Footsteps interrupt my thoughts making me squint in the darkened hall to see who it is. For some reason I know it's not Scorpius. When Caelum appears in the dim light it's like all my questions have been answered.

"Hello, little guppy. Ready to head out to eat?" he asks me. I agree, pulling the door closed behind me.

I don't want to ask where Scorpius is. Deep down it's already obvious and I can't be so naive to pretend I don't see what's going on. He was disgusted by my body. So disgusted in fact he had to get his father to escort me through these halls instead of himself. It's like he couldn't bare the thought of looking at me for another second.

"You okay?" Caelum asks. I lower my head. Was I that bad at hiding my disappointment? I should be happy, relieved really. Everything I had been feeling up until this point had been confusing. I didn't know what was going on with my heart or my head when it came to Scorpius, but now I didn't need to figure it out. He made everything clear as the skies in Dalmoria.

He didn't feel anything towards me. Not physically or emotionally. His protection over me was because of the bond tied around our finger, nothing more. I was stupid to even question that, and stupider to imagine this guy liking someone he had just met. Scorpius had no idea who I was or what I liked. Our bond wasn't like his parents or mine either. It was magic and idiotic confusion on my part, that's it.

What didn't make sense was how I let my feelings get this cloudy in the first place. How I had almost forgotten the plan and let Scorpius distract me from what I really wanted. From who I really wanted. This is it. This is the moment where I stop being a child and grow up. This is where I truly fight for what I've wanted this entire time.

No more distractions. No more confused feelings. The battle has truly begun.

When Caelum and I reach the door to the dining hall, I have to remind myself to not look for Scorpius when the doors open. To my surprise it isn't empty like before. Other Pharons are sitting around the tables. A few other species I don't recognize fill the seats as well.

I spot what I assume are Everots, their four eyes sitting high on their face followed by a pair of long ears almost hitting their shoulders. Another species I can't seem to place is here. Their light yellow feathers almost seem bright, like they're bringing sunlight into this darkened place. Thin legs and a wide tail sit underneath the table. I wonder if this is an Airlie.

Caelum nudges me and I follow close by as he leads me to a table somewhere in the back. As we pass by others, I spot Ogmellos sitting with someone almost as big as him. Was that his Scorpius replacement? I shake the thought from my head as soon as it forms. I promised myself I wouldn't think about him.

Ogmellos meets my gaze, giving me a wink before he focuses his attention back on the Pharon he's with. The Pharon tries to swivel around but Ogmellos grabs his shoulder, keeping his attention on him. The gesture makes me smile.

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