Chapter 28: Secret Pools

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I wake up sweating. Even though my suit is soaking up each droplet of sweat coming out of my skin, I feel so dehydrated. My mouth is dry and my hands feel tight. It's hard not to feel like I'm boiling from the inside.

I stretch against Scorpius whose eyes are still closed. I try to lift myself off of him but his arm is wrapped around my waist, firmly if I might add. His iron grip worries me. Maybe he isn't still asleep like I thought.

"Hey." I say, trying to get him to release me. He doesn't respond. I try to shake him gently so I don't scare him awake, but that does nothing either. With a frustrated sigh I wrap my tail around his wrist and try to pry him from me. His dead weight is almost impossible to move, even with all the strength I have.

I push myself away from him while my tail pulls his arm from my body. His skin is much hotter than it was before we went to sleep. Did Pharons heat up when they slept like some sort of defense mechanism, or was Scorpius always this warm and I had never really noticed?

With a grunt, I finally move his arm away from me just enough to sidle out of his hold. He lets out a big breath before turning towards me and throwing his body on top of mine. His weight knocks the air out of my lungs.

"You're going to kill me before we even make it off this planet." I mumble underneath him. He lets out a sleepy laugh, shaking both of us.

"I didn't know you were so fragile." he says in a deep tired voice.

"I'm not." I try to push my hands against him to get him off but his body has my arms pinned to the bed. "I'm just not indestructible like you."

He rolls off me, pulling me on top of him so I'm straddling him while he lays on his back.

"Who said I was indestructible?" he asks, placing his hands on my hips. The position we're in makes me blush, especially when I think of what it would've been like if I didn't have this suit on to cover me.

My tail snakes its way up his side and to his throat. He lifts up his chin, letting me curl it around his neck, his eyes focused on me. When it's completely around him, I constrict it just enough to cause him some uncomfortableness but not enough to actually choke him.

"Shall we find out how durable you actually are?" I ask. My tail tightens a little more and I feel his grip on my hips tighten as well. My cheeks flame even though I try to ignore it. I'm not doing this for his pleasure, I'm doing this to see how much he trusts me.

"Do you think you could go all the way?"

I constrict even more, his hands now noticeably holding my hips against him.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of."

His chin lifts even more, his hips now pressing up off the bed. He leans his head back while my tail moves along his throat. I can feel his heartbeat pounding against my skin and then a soft rumble following as he groans.

"Trust me, I'm willing to find out." he says. My cheeks are fiercely burning now, but I watch him let my tail wrap further around his throat. How far was he actually willing to take this? Would I be able to kill him right now if he let me?

When he groans again, I can't take it anymore. I throw my leg over him, releasing my tail from around him and hop off the bed. With a smirk, he runs his fingers through his hair, leaning up off the bed to watch me.

"We have to leave soon. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to survive without water." I tell him.

"Leave to where?"

Here we go. "I was hoping we could live on Xoven. It'll be the best place for the both of us. There's plenty of land there for you and more than enough water for me."

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