Chapter 58: My Enemy of My Lover

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Estella pushes her way out the bedroom. I scramble to my feet trying to catch her before she leaves, but her pace is hard to keep up with. When she reaches the opening of the front door, I know I have to say something before she disappears for good. I have no idea where she lives, nor do I want to go searching for the place her and Seren called a home.

"Wait!" I shout, before she has a chance to leave. She hesitates for a moment, her hand gripping the doorframe firmly. From over her wing I can see her knuckles whitening, her sharp talon like nails scratching the wall next to her.

"What is it?" her voice is like ice. I can't blame her but still, I'd rather not hear her speak to me like this. I suck in a deep breath trying to calm the anger coiling itself through my veins.

"What are you planning on doing?"

She scoffs, as if I asked her the most ridiculous question she's ever heard. "I'm going to get Seren back."

"But how are you planning on doing that?"

She doesn't say anything, her eyes staring out the door into the deep waters ahead. Even without hearing her say it, it's obvious she has no idea what she's going to do, or how to get Seren out of wherever they're keeping her.

I try to ease my way to her but when her piercing eyes look at me, I stop dead in my tracks. Estella was more intimidating than I thought. Was this who Seren was meant to be with? Someone who could strike fear in anyone with just a glance? She claws at the wall again, the pieces from it floating down to the floor and it sends a chill up my spine.

She turns her head back around, her body shifting almost out the door. I can't let her leave. I won't. Kicking off from the floor, I grab her shoulder and spin her to face me. The shock in her eyes almost gives me a smug feeling. She shakes my hand off, her hand balling into a fist. I throw my tail out and wrap it around her wrist.

"Let go." she says with a sneer, and that's when I notice all her teeth end in a jagged point. If I didn't feel threatened before, I definitely felt it now. The image of her ripping my throat out with those daggers in her mouth runs through my mind like a warning, but I shake it off. I have to focus on getting Seren back. I need to save Scorpius.

"Just wait a second. We can come up with a plan to get both of them back." I try to explain. Estella lifts her other hand, but I grab it before she has a chance to strike me. She thrusts her head forward, the glass hitting me so hard on my forehead that my vision swims. Instantly after, I'm knocked back by her fist driving its way into my stomach, the air completely leaving my lungs.

My tail flicks through the water catching me before I fall to the ground. Gasping for air and trying to get my vision back under control, I stagger back towards Estella. This wouldn't make me give up that easily. She could do as much damage as she wanted to, but at the end of it all, when she was too tired to continue or too bored, she would listen to me. I'd make sure of it.

A dull throb begins in my head, but it doesn't stop me. This pain was nothing compared to the insufferable moment I had to go through watching Scorpius being hurt. The lack of air in my lungs couldn't suffocate me like seeing Seren's eyes pleading for me to go as she lied there on the ground. Estella could do her worst, but it wouldn't match those feelings.

"You don't give up, do you?" she mocks. I shake my head to answer her question, but also to shake the darkness creeping into the edge of my vision. "Why would I want your help in the first place? You're the one who let Seren get taken, and now you expect me to let you help me get her back? You can't play villain and hero at the same time."

Stumbling to her, I reach my hand out but when she raises her wing above her head, I shield my face. I wait for the pain to erupt but nothing happens. Was she waiting for me to be caught off guard for her to make her move? Cautiously, I move my arms down and look at her. The glass around her face has a web of cracks where she struck me. Thankfully, no water was leaking in, but I'm not sure it'll stay that way if she hits me again.

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