Chapter 38: Enough Is Enough

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After heading back through the tunnels, Ogmellos and I separate. I travel to the water where I can hydrate and also clean off the disgusting blood that's crusted over my skin. Ogmellos heads to his room to clean off. I wonder how much water he has back in his bedroom. Obviously not as much as the secret pool I have.

As I make my way back to his room, the remaining drops of water being sucked into my suit, I notice something. The hallway looks the same but also different somehow. It's still the same dimly lit silent place I've walked through before, but I'm no longer nervous. The anxiety that would've started in the pit of my stomach never shows. As weird as it sounds I even feel like I've grown a couple of inches.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm standing up a bit straighter or the way I'm carelessly putting one foot in front of the other. I haven't even looked over my shoulder once since I left the water. Was it possible Ogmellos was right? Did I need the experience of the hunt? Did that make me braver in some way that I couldn't put my finger on?

I picture Scorpius' face watching me escort Ogmellos away from him, his chest rising uncontrollably from hearing his name come out my mouth. I smirk. Then my lips fall when I think of the conversation we would have to have later. My shoulders don't slump, but I can feel the uneasiness creeping forward.

Scorpius was just a man. Nothing more. He wasn't a God and even if he was stronger than me, I had nothing to be afraid of. We had the same control over each other thanks to the magic. If anything were to go wrong once we started speaking, I only had to say his name to weaken him. I couldn't let myself fear someone who shared the same weakness I did. I wouldn't be scared.

I tap my knuckles against the door, the chains rattling under my touch. A few seconds later Ogmellos pushes it open. His black hair is damp and the little droplets trail down his chest, glistening from the light the orbs are giving. He's still shirtless but he's replaced his pants with a pair of clean ones. His bare feet are still filthy though.

I look up at him when I walk in, trying to search his face for anything that tells me how he's feeling. His lips are set in a firm line and his brows are pulled together. The smile he gives me when he notices me staring seems forced. He goes to push the door closed but I stop him.

"I'm not staying long." I say.

He nods. "I figured."

"No," I look down at the floor. "I mean I'm not staying here for much longer. I can't. I...we need to get off this planet and start some place new." I can't pull my eyes away to look at him. I watch his feet shift in front of me but he doesn't move from where he stands.

"I know." His voice is low, almost hurt. I hate the way it tugs at my heart. "You've been here long enough. As much as I want you here with me, it's time to move on from Ocura."

"You have to come with us. Scorpius has to understand. I'll make him understand some how." My voice is shaking. There's so many thoughts bouncing around that it's hard to grasp just one. I need Ogmellos. I want him with me. I don't want to leave him here by himself again. I can't let him be alone.

He pulls me into his chest. His skin is hot against my cheek but I wrap my arms around his waist. The wetness from his hair falls onto the top of my head and I hear him sigh.

"Don't worry about me. I've taken care of myself for this long without you, I'm sure I can do it again." he says, but the lightness in his voice sounds fake.

"I don't want you to do it again. I want you to be with me. We just created this friendship and I don't want to lose that. Not when it's only begun. Ogmellos I can't do this without you." I'm rambling against him, fighting the sting of tears. He runs his hand along my back trying to soothe me but it only makes things worse. I should be the one comforting him, not the other way around.

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