Chapter 9: Takeoff

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Swimming with my mother towards the island to meet Barlow had been a quiet one, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, with last night still in the front of my mind, I was ready for the next step. Thinking about it now, I never thought I would say those words. This day had always seemed like a nightmare that I had to escape from. Something I needed to get out of no matter what it took.

But as my mother and I pushed our bodies through the salted water, I felt safe and strong. There was no doubt that I was nervous, but the nerves were deep in the back of my mind. Oddly enough I was calm. The feeling of serenity intensified the moment I broke through the surface of the ocean and saw Seren standing in the distance.

I run into her outstretched arms, squeezing her as tightly as she'll let me without hurting her, kissing her cheeks while my mother makes her way to us. She greets Seren with a touch on her shoulder, surprising both of us when she pulls Seren close to her chest. If I wasn't as relaxed as I was, I probably would've burst into tears at the sight of them.

We all walk hand in hand towards the ship where Barlow is waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. My heart leaps when I look at the ship. How could I've forgotten how big it was when I had just seen it yesterday?

My body tenses only for a moment when we reach Barlow, but I immediately push the feeling away. I was ready for this. And, oddly enough, I was actually excited for the trip. This would be my first time leaving Dalmoria. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see what was out there. My curiosity was stronger than my fear had ever been when I imagined this day, even now.

Barlow ascends the stairs, leaving us alone to say our finally goodbyes. The first one I turn to is my mother, whose tears are flowing down her cheeks. It's impossible to stop myself from crying as we hold onto each other, neither of us saying anything.

Honestly, there was nothing to say anymore. Everything we needed to tell each other was said last night, and I couldn't handle another farewell out loud.

"I love you," I confess to her.

She places her lips to my forehead, and lets out a soft chuckle.

"I love you. And if your father were here, he would tell you the same. So I'll say it for the both of us."

My chest tightens at the mention of him. Goddess knows how much I wished he were here to tell me himself. With one final embrace, we finally part.

"I'll let you two say goodbye," my mother says. "Seren, I'll meet you down by the water when you're done."

Seren nods and I mouth a thank you while we both watch my mother cross the field and disappear into the forest. Without hesitation, my mouth searches for hers. The kiss is fierce and powerful, but there's also a hint of sadness behind it. Our lips collide over and over until mine are swollen and we're both breathless.

"This isn't goodbye," I say, leaning my forehead against hers and reaching for her hands.

"I know," Our fingers intertwine and we clutch each other so tightly that my hands start to go numb. I don't care. I need every bit of Seren in this moment before I get on that ship. It wasn't if we were going to see each other, but when we would. That uncertainty held in the air so thick it felt suffocating.

"I love you, and I will find you. I promise." I move her shaking fingers to my lips and gently kiss each one. I look up at her, running my thumb across her quivering bottom lip.

"I love you too," she chokes out. Her face is drowning in tears, and Goddess knows how badly I want to stay here and kiss them all away. But the longer I stay here, the longer it will take for me to go through with this plan.

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