Chapter 37: A Bond Thicker Than Gold

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"Go on." I say to Scorpius. "Ask me." The annoyance in my voice is very much present and I know he can hear it.

"Well first, what are you doing out here?" his eyes fall to the dead creature I slaughtered minutes before he arrived. His gaze flicks over to Ogmellos who is standing slightly behind me, both his arms crossed. "You let her hunt? She could've been killed."

"Is that why you were looking for me? To make sure you wouldn't have to live with the guilt if something happened to me? So you wouldn't have to explain to everyone why you couldn't take care of me?" I know I'm pushing it but I can't stop myself from getting angry. Who did Scorpius think he was? He didn't own me nor did he have any right to be upset right now.

"Clearly you can handle yourself." he says it in a mocking tone and I ball my fists by my side.

"Why would you even care if I was hunting or not? We were doing just fine before you showed up."

Scorpius scoffs. "So you're a 'we' now? You don't even know Ogmellos."

"Neither do you!" I shout. "How can you stand here claiming I don't know him when you purposely casted him out and treated him like he was nothing? You can't tell me I don't know him while implying that you know him better than I do. You have no idea who he is."

"And you do? You met him for less than a few days and you think you know the man that stands behind you? Just because he showed you how to use a knife doesn't make him some kind of hero, and it doesn't make him your friend, angelfish."

I step forward, the rage heating every pore in my skin. "Don't call me that!" Ogmellos reaches for my arm but I move away from him, forcing myself to move towards Scorpius. My tail whips behind me, the knife raised above my head. I feel Ogmellos grab it, trying to gently pull it from me but when he can't, his hands settle lower. He clenches my tail nudging me back to him and I willingly give in.

Scorpius' brows lower, his mouth turning into a frown as he watches us. His fingertips start to glow.

"Let go of her." he demands through gritted teeth. Ogmellos ignores him, his hand still grasping my tail while his other one lays against my shoulder. He leans closer to me and when I peer over my shoulder to look at him, I see he's focused on Scorpius.

Ogmellos stays silent although I can tell his mind is working through what could happen next. His fingertips aren't tense but the muscles along his arms start to swell, his chest rising and falling slowly. Was he trying to use that breathing technique Scorpius had mentioned before to control himself?

I turn my attention back to Scorpius whose hands are now bright red. His ankles follow.

"So you chose him as your mate over me?" Scorpius forms it like a question but it sounds more like an accusation. His jaw clicks, his fiery eyes burning holes where Ogmellos is holding me.

"Please tell me you're not seriously asking me something as ridiculous as that." I say. It was obvious how Ogmellos and I looked to someone else. If you didn't know better you would most likely assume Ogmellos could be my mate, mainly how he was standing so close to me. But Scorpius made it seem like he knew him. And even if it hadn't been that long since him and I met, how could he think of me as that type of Luniod?

"What am I supposed to think when I've been searching for you all day and here you are, hunting no less while he stands behind you like he's protecting you?" Scorpius' eyes are now slits. The glow of his skin is traveling slowly up to his wrists, beginning to touch his forearm as well as his calves.

Ogmellos shifts behind me. "Jealous that I could be a better mate for her than you?"

I reach my hand to touch his on my shoulder. I don't turn but I shake my head at Ogmellos, signaling him not to escalate the situation. If I was being honest, I wanted to be the one to hurt Scorpius with my words. I wanted him to know how much I could make him suffer.

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