Chapter 64: The Royal Bloodline

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When Demien walks in, my eyes don't know where to look. Or should I say where to avoid. It's odd how obvious it is that he's half Sidin and half Pharon. I don't know if that's because he's of royal blood or if that's just how his genes are. Although I'm half Sidin, I favor the Lunoid part of me more. Just like Scorpius favors his Pharon side. Demien was something different, something horrifying.

Four horns stand tall at the crown of his head, his black and silver hair short but still somewhat wavy. They're tall but thankfully not as tall as the ones Ogmellos has. His red eyes however are nothing to be thankful for. I watch those blood red irises scan the room, a chill threatening to make me shiver.

His pink skin is covered in the same scales the guards have, his four arms hanging lazily at his sides. The more he walks in the room the better I can see his veins pulsing under his skin, just like the Pharons. His exposed chest holds the same throbbing veins, though these seem thicker. The only clothing he has on is a deep purple hooded velvet robe that hangs off his large muscled shoulders, and a floor length skirt with gold threaded through it.

His bare feet pad across the room until he sits at the throne where the main guard stands beside. Now that he's close enough, I notice not both of his eyes are red. One of them is the same complete blackness that Scorpius has. Demien really was showing how much of a hybrid he was. The halves of him came together so perfectly it was almost terrifying. Sort of like he wasn't actually birthed but made by hand.

The guards kneel, their heads bowed as the main guard next to Demien adjusts his skirt when he crosses his legs. Two of his hands are placed in his lap while he leans his head against his free one, his eyes burning into mine. His expression looks almost bored, but I know he must be far from it. When the guard tries to fix his robe behind him, he waves her off. She bows and takes her place next to him, her eyes also on me.

Demien flicks his finger and the lights in the room dim. The guards begin to rise, three arms behind their backs with their chests pressed forward as they hold their spears firmly.

"Really setting the mood there, aren't you Crpyt?" Estella taunts. Demien smirks but his eyes don't leave my face. Before I even see her, a guard holds her spear to Estella's throat, lifting her chin with the pointed metal.

"Say another word and I'll cut your voice box out." the guard spits.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

The guard digs her spear slowly towards Estella's throat. "Why don't we find out."

Demien sighs and just as quickly as she appeared, the guard moves away from Estella, standing back in the circle she was in. She bows her head and apologizes to Demien, her voice trembling.

I hear Seren cough and I want nothing more than to look at her to see if she's okay. A twist in my gut stops me. I'm not sure if it's the half smile Demien gives me or the fear that radiates through my body that keeps me from checking on Seren. All I know is I need to keep his attention on me and off of everyone else. Just like my dad had said in that dream, I was here to save everyone. And that's exactly what I would do.

"I thought you only wanted me." I say, trying my best to stand even though my knees shake. "Here I am, so you can let everyone else go now."

Demien tilts his head into his hand more, like he doesn't understand what I'm saying. The tenseness in the room is getting heavier the more I stare at him. It feels like it's weighing on my shoulders to the point that I might fall.

"Tell me what it is I can do for you. Whatever it is you can have it, but you have to release them first."

"Lynx Corai." His voice is rough and smokey. It reminds me of the air on Ocura, hard to breathe through and smothering. My name coming out his mouth almost sounds like a threat. "I fear you're not capable of understanding the severity of the situation. Look around you."

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