Chapter 30: Waves

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My head breaks through the surface of the water and for a moment I have to remember that I'm not actually back home. The feeling is the same though, minus the sun burning my sensitive skin. One thing I'm actually thankful for on this planet is the lack of sunlight. I wonder if that'll be a problem for me once we reach Xoven. Then again, I could just stay underwater the entire time.

I'm not ready to leave this cave just yet. It's not that my skin hasn't fully recovered because it has. Every part of me down to my lungs feels new and refreshed. It's the fact that once I leave I feel like I'll be leaving a piece of home again, and I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet.

I float on my back, my tail moving lazily to keep me steady as I stare up at the ceiling. A drop of water falls right on my cheek, trailing down my skin until it joins the rest of the water. It feels sad somehow. Like this cave is crying for the both of us. Two things misplaced in this galaxy.

Three, if you count Seren out there somewhere. I wonder where she is right now. If her and her mate are getting along more than Scorpius and I are. The thought scares me. If her mate saw her the way I did, (beautiful, insightful, brave) who's to say her mate wouldn't fall for her?

What if Seren and her soul tie were actually meant to be? Thysus puts us with others who our souls are connected to, maybe even attracted to once the magic wears off. This couldn't be based off attraction alone. Our souls seek the other for a reason, right?

Scorpius and I share the loss of a parent. Our souls connected in that way, mainly since the loss was from the opposite parent. My father and his mother. We were different and yet somehow very similar. Physically there was nothing about us that matched. Even him being a male throws me off because I have never been attracted to one before.

And yet, Thysus saw something in both of us that the other needed. It may not be obvious right now but it may come to the light later on. We've only known each other for less than two days and here I was questioning my feelings towards him when I shouldn't have any to begin with. There was something about these bonds that I didn't understand and maybe I never would.

Another drop of water falls on my face followed by one of my tears connecting to it. My heart breaks at the thought of Seren going through this same mental war with herself. What if her bond with her soul tie was stronger? What if when their strings tied and the haze was enough for both of them to handle, they realized this was who they should've been with in the first place?

What if the love Seren had for me didn't stand a chance compared to the bond she had for her mate? What if I wasn't enough?

I thought being here in the water would make me happy but all I feel is a deep rooted nostalgia and sadness flowing out of me. It was silly of me to think I was strong enough to leave Seren and fulfill this plan when I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't fight. I'm not logical or tough in anyway. What is wrong with me?

The sound of footsteps pulls me out of my head. Immediately, I dive down to the bottom so Scorpius doesn't see me. I don't know how long I've been in here but it can't be time to go already. Plus, I'd rather wallow in my self pity a little longer than go back to the room and talk. Honestly, I just want to hear the sound of Seren's voice.

I'm too far into the pool of water for Scorpius to see me and too deep down for him to swim and find me. Can Pharons even swim? I guess I could ask when I surface, but for now I'll lay on the bottom against the cool stone.

A giant ripple disturbs the water overhead making everything blurry. It's too violent to be one of the water droplets coming from the ceiling. The water calms again until the giant ripples repeat. What in the galaxies is going on up there?

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