Chapter 14: The Beginning of Beginnings

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*Once upon a time, there was a God named Sosten who was the God of the Stars. He lived in the sky, placing all the stars where they needed to be. Making what humans referred to as constellations. He roamed at night throughout the dark sky keeping track of where every star should be, and also making sure they burned as bright as they could. Sosten lived in the sky alone and therefore was so lonely. At night he would cry while everyone else slept.

One night, Sosten became so sad that he cried until the sun rose, bringing in the day. It was then that Sosten saw the most beautiful Goddess he had ever laid eyes on. It was Kriana, the Goddess of Light.

Sosten immediately stopped crying and became so fascinated with Kriana that he hid behind a cloud moving through the sky just to watch Kriana. Now, Kriana had no idea she was being watched by the God of Stars. She had spent the day putting light throughout the entire galaxy so other planets could experience her gift.

Sosten thought she was the most illuminating thing he had ever seen, and decided he would love to use Kriana's talent of light to make his stars so much brighter than they were.

As the day came to an end throughout the galaxy, Kriana grew tired and decided to nap on one of the constellations that resided in the sky, all the while not knowing Sosten had made that very constellation. It was in the shape of a butterfly, one of Sosten's favorites. He knew right then as he watched Kriana laying lazily on the very butterfly that he created, he had to marry her.

The next morning when Kriana awoke, she was shocked to find herself surrounded by other tiny little stars in the shapes of smaller butterflies like the one she had rested on. She looked around in awe to see how this had come to be.

Sosten appeared from the cloud he was hidden behind. At the sight of the God, Kriana instantly fell in love. Sosten explained how while she slept on his favorite constellation, he had fallen for her and how he knew they were meant to be. The Goddess of Light agreed completely and decided to present Sosten with a gift of her own.

She grabbed one of the small butterflies that surrounded them in her hands, and pushed all her love into her closed fists. When she opened them, out came a golden butterfly that was alive, filled with both of their love for each other.

The golden butterfly lifted from the palm of Kriana to her chest where her heart was. It flew back and forth between them until finally, it landed in the palm of Sosten. Kriana and Sosten couldnt believe their eyes when they looked down at their hands. Coming from their chests was a golden thread that went down to their fingertips and finally wrapped around their pointer finger, the same finger Kriana used to make light and Sosten used to put the stars in the sky.

The golden thread was entangled between the two of them, from their souls and love they had for each other to the very place they made their magic from. Sosten decided, although it was a gift from Kriana, the golden butterfly was too special to keep for themselves. He put the golden butterfly on the planet Uthoria to live and whispered to the butterfly how much he loved Kriana.

The Goddess of Light did the same, whispering the love that burned in her chest for Sosten. With a kiss from each of them, the butterfly grew into a Goddess itself. They named that Goddess Thysus, the Goddess of Beginnings, and told Thysus to share her power with everyone in the galaxy so they could experience the love that they had found.

For centuries Thysus gave the golden thread of love to everyone who came to see her, helping them seek out the other half of their golden thread. And when the halves came together, the thread tied between the two of them letting their souls know they had found their mate.*

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