98. Barrister Rudra!💕

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(There is a lot going on in this chapter! I expect you guys to please put your opinions in the inline comments to let me know if the story is proceeding good!)

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(There is a lot going on in this chapter! I expect you guys to please put your opinions in the inline comments to let me know if the story is proceeding good!)

"I didn't expect to see you here?" Questions Jim as Bondita approaches him outside their office.

"Why won't I be here?" Says Bondita looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"No, I mean, by your behaviour yesterday, I figured out that you don't wanna be anywhere around me." Says Jim sadly.

Bondita's face falls, as she says to him sadly, "I am really sorry, for my behaviour yesterday and all for all those times when I have been rude to you unnecessarily. It's just that I have always been a good kid. I have always been the one who manages to please everybody. And inviting any kind of trouble and enemies just, scares me !"

Jim smiles softly and says, "It's just a college, but what will you do after it? How will you stop from making people your enemies? By what I gained from talking to your husband yesterday, I certainly realise that you both are taking revolutionary steps for change. And change is never easy. People will resist your change and become your enemies. So would you just avoid those changes too which causes people to turn into your enemies?"

Bondita shakes her head in denial as Jim says, "Then you better start adapting to the world's needs. It will be so much better for you!" Bondita nods as they both step inside their law firm.

Bondita smiles as they enter a well furnished office. They ask about their mentorsl at the reception to which the old male receptionist gives them a skeptical look.

The receptionist says, "Aap dono hi hai woh naye bachhe joh Barristery sikhne aaye hai?" Bondita nods and translates it to Jim who nods along with her.

He directs them into a chamber telling that they might have to wait for their mentor for sometime.

Both enter the chamber with a smile but Bondita's smile soon changes into a frown as Jim starts coughing vigorously due to the dust attack!

She looks around as her eyebrows knit together looking at the condition of the spooky and dark chamber. "What is this place?" Her reverie breaks as Jim coughs out loud causing Bondita to run and find lights.

After a few minutes three small bulb gets lit giving Bondita some light. Bondita gives Jim some water helping him out to soothe his cough.

Once he gets normal Bondita looks around the spooky room, with only three dimly lit bulbs, with three tables below it. The chamber had this moldy scent that made their nose itch. The walls had ancient paint peeling off the stained walls.

The dust, cobwebs, and graffitis on the walls and corners surrounded them. Several pieces of discarded furniture laid disorderdly cluttered on the floor.

Their heads snap up as they hear clicking of boots on the floor and the wooden outer door creaking. Within the dim light of the room outside, Bondita could make out that he was a barrister, whose rob shone in glory under the dim light.

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