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Hey guys :)

While I am creating the season 1 story of my next book I am also editing this book in my notes to fix the book

Because my writing and style layout changed a lot through the year the more I wrote and going through the start of my story I've seen a lot of errors that make me wanna fly off of a roof cause they hurt so much 😅

Also I did kind of like skip a bunch of stuff in the tvd story because I couldn't be bothered to write about it but I might add things, or change stuff. Not drastically though because I do like my storyline

But I was wondering what you guys think, and that if there was any changes you think would help or be better in the story

And also what character moments would you have liked to see more of

Like Chris and Damon went from hatred and then progressed until S6 where they became friends then eventually besties, but would you have liked to have more hate, arguing moments and friendship in

Also with early things I kind of rushed like Chris and Elijah sort of becoming something until he was daggered and Kol kind of swooped into the picture

And I'd probably think you lot would also like more Klaus moments or maybe more of an explanation to why certain people like one another inside of the story instead of just explaining them to you when you ask in the comments

Maybe some S6 stuff because I planned for Chris and Kai to be a point in the story which lead to the creation of Alex. I meant for them to maybe have more moments and things but I think I rushed it too much or couldn't really be bothered to do more with it

Also I wanted to put more explanations in general when I re-write things because with the whole Alex being born which made Chris kinda weaker even while he was a hybrid and I don't really think I explained at all that Chris lost his expression because it passed onto Alex

I think I did in a comment and they said stuff about how expression can be anyone's and stuff so Chris wouldn't lose it but I said that it was more of a consequence thing. He could have his child which he didn't entirely do on purpose and in exchange for this huge 'gift' he had to give something

Which was that his power that created the fake world in the first place passed onto his son who is a Gemini Bennett witch having Expression as his main source of magic which no other witch has ever had

It's also the thing I was hinting at from like the beginning of the story because little lines said how Chris would do something bad, which was that he would be able to control expression that lead to him making that world with his built up grief of losing a lot without dealing with the emotion

And in reality it's actually Alexander who is the Expression Warlock but the witches that came to kill Chris when he made his fake reality thought it was Chris because to them it made sense since he was the one with the Expression magic

Which this leads into the next book where Alex will have to deal with his magic, his parents and fellow students, enemies and also along side Hope who also has to deal with being the Tribrid after the loss of a lot of her family

So I'm probably going to try explain more and add more things which leads me to ask what sort of things you'd like more of now that you've read the story

Thank you 😊

Thank you 😊

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